The troubles

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It seemed the guys were still trying to figure out how i ended up there with them.
Jimmy-okay to get things straight your from the future and somehow you woke up here.
Yes jimmy for the 6th time am from 2021 i have no hell of a clue why am here I just want to go home.
Jimmy seemed to be the most frustrated while the rest of the guys just sat there with me on the couch.
Robert-so your from 2021 correct? And you just magically woke up in 73
Look i don't know how many times i have to say it that's what happened!
Jimmy-how exactly did it happen though? What was the last thing you did before you woke up here.
Okay will i came back from school,i went upstairs to my room,then put on some music,and the last thing I remember was falling asleep and i woke up to the sun on my face which never happened back home and boom! I woke up here.
I kept trying to replay that afternoon again but nothing came in mind. But i did put in my record and laid on my bed..and i said 'I wish i could go back to 1973 to see Led Zeppelin'
Oh god! What did i do this was all my fault,I caused this to happen how am I supposed to go back now?
I wasn't going to tell them that i wished for this. But i had to find a way out of this and go back home,its crazy to think am in the 70s,am going to try and calm down because i haven't even processed the fact that am in my favorite era.
Bonzo-so hows the future like? Is there flying cars like people say now
Nope it's actually pretty boring,its like now but with more technology and very bad fashion.
After i said that they seemed to have found that funny. At least that distracted them from the fact that they had a time traveler in their apartment.
Jimmy-what's your name? And from where do you come from.
My name is Abby and am from Chicago'IL and it was October at that time.
Jimmy-okay well it is October here actually- so at least that's the only thing in common at the moment.
Alright well what am i supposed to do now? I don't want to interfere with your morning so is there any place around here i could stay at?
Robert-are you crazy? Your from like 50 years from today how do you expect to go out alone??
As much as i hated to admit it he was right,i don't even have any identification or anything of myself,I can't get anywhere around here.
Ya your right.then what am i suppose to do then? Since I can't leave.
Jimmy-will the only option is to keep you here until we can find a way to send you back.but how the hell are we supposed to do that? If you don't know neither do we.
Ugh this is all so frustrating!
Robert-okay everyone calm  down,freaking out wont solve anything we're just going in circles with this whole thing.what if we just get breakfast and get ready for the day then think this through?
I totally agreed with Robert,freaking out wasn't helping us at all,i  was just tired and wanted to wake up in my bedroom.
Your right Robert plus am super hungry I haven't eaten anything since lunch at school anything will do.
Jimmy-okay me and bonzo and john will go out and buy us something to eat,you Robert stay here with Abby we wont be long.
I couldn't believe i was about to be alone with the Robert plant! I was trying not to freak out or anything but I just couldn't help myself.
Jimmy and the rest closed the door behind them and went to get us food,meanwhile Robert seemed still confused.
What's got you so confused Robert?
Robert-will at this point everything. It's unbelievable your here from the future!
Ya well i am sadly
Robert-why are you disappointed? I mean I understand this must be as hard on you as it is on us
It's just because i miss home..even though i had problems with my parents and all that,well at least ill get time to think what am going to tell my parents once i hopefully return home.
Robert-tell them about what? Oh you mean why you were missing
No not really this it's just that i dropped out of school,and will they will be extremely mad at me for doing so.
Robert-why did you drop out? How old even are you
Am 17 and this is my senior year but i am just so sick of school i want something different something better.
Robert-will i don't know if you'll get something better without high school and more in the future,you should stay it's just one year don't even go to college if you won't like but get through with High school.
You think? It's something I've been thinking since 10th grade but i was super serious this time i even asked for the papers,i never got to sign them because i fell asleep and well am here now.
As Robert was about to comment something Jimmy and the guys came in,they really didn't take that long at all.
Jimmy-okay were back,see i said we wouldn't take that long. We got some pancakes from the restaurant near by.
Ooh nice! Ive been craving pancakes recently.
Jimmy-oh well good to know! Would you like some tea? For you head
Yes please jimmy that sounds nice.
Bonzo-so tell me Abby do you know who we are?
I tried to keep my cool and not make it obvious that i was a huge fan of them.
Well i do know your bands name and i would consider myself a fan but you know nothing to extreme.
Bonzo-oh okay then,hey could i get one of your pancakes? Please!
Haha! Sure grab as many as you'll like.
Bonzo-thanks your the best 'wink'
These pancakes are really good actually. Damn they don't make pancakes like this anymore!
John-Abby how old are you?
Oh am 17.
Robert-yup apparently she wants to be a high school drop out.
Damn Robert why you gotta be spreading the word like that.
Robert-hahah sorry Abby i just thought they would like to know.
It's fine
Jimmy-so you want to drop out huh?
Ya will i am not quite sure yet i was going to sign the papers before i fell asleep and well all of this happened.
John-we should all go out today and show Abby around 70s London.
I haven't even thought of the idea of walking around exploring London since i was so focused on getting back home,I thought the idea John suggested was great! But i didn't know if the rest of the guys felt that it was a good idea.
Jimmy-uhm I mean i guess we could but she needs to fit in, we need to get you some clothes.
Oh your right where can we get clothes around here?
Robert-i think some girl a few nights ago left her jeans here,you could wear those and I'll just lend you a shirt just tuck it.
Well I wasn't expecting to wear some groupies jeans but it was the last option I had,and I didn't want to seem rude after all they are doing for me.
Okay that sounds good to me thanks
Robert- follow me I'll give you the jeans and shirt.
Okay,Robert took me by the wrist and led the way to his room.
Robert-you can take a seat on the bed if you'll like I'll go get the jeans if I can find them actually.
I took a seat on the edge of the bed like he said.
Robert- ay! There it is look these are the jeans,they are flared I don't know if people still wear these.
Well not really there is people who still like the 70s style so they still exist.
I looked at the jeans and I was so excited I've never worn flared jeans before,I didn't know what shirt he was going to give me but I hoped it would look good.
Robert-er..I don't know what shirt to give ya,uhm is this shirt going to fit you?
I looked at the shirt and it said 'Nurses do it better'
Uhm Robert what does that mean? Is it some type of sex joke...
When I said that I couldn't contain my grin on how Robert reacted to what I said.
Robert-what No! No no it's not I don't think so..that's not what they told me when I bought it.
I laughed at his reaction he seemed so scared at the fact that I thought his shirt meant something dirty.
I got dressed and eventually he gave me a simple white T.
The weird thing was I had black converse with platforms to them which were weird and I don't think they were a thing yet.
Jimmy-guys am still freaked out by the fact that this girl is from 2021.
I heard talking from the bathroom and I heard jimmy talking about me,I knew they didn't hate me but it was quite weird for them to hang out with a girl from the future.
Okay am done!
Bonzo-Great! You ready to go?
Yup I am are you guys?
Jimmy-ya we are..what are those shoes?
Err..ya uhm they are called converse.
Robert-Converse? Those don't exactly looks them
Well it's because they added the option of putting a platform to them now
John-that's quite interesting,the future seems fascinating.
Kinda- any ways are we going?
Jimmy-oh ya we are let's go show Abby the streets of London!

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