Risky tour

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The night had gone quicker than I imagined,we packed our bags well more like the guys did i just helped.
We were heading over to the buses early 6 AM
It was about 5:24AM i was exhausted since me and Robert had gone to sleep around 3 AM
We slept together for the first time.
The sun was on my face and I felt warmth of Roberts hand on my stomach.
I tried to move a little but I ended up waking him again.
Robert-mmh good morning!
Good morning Robert,I always seem to wake you up even though you seem very deep asleep.
Robert-well i usually wake up easily at times,what time is it?
I have no idea,I haven't heard any of the guys so i guess it's early.
Robert got up to stretch and then laid back down.
Damn I thought you were getting up already.
Robert-haha I usually do this,just a quick stretch than bed again.
Me and Robert fell into silence until we heard a knock on the door.
Jimmy-ay you guys up?
Oh ya we are jimmy!
Jimmy-okay get up then! We got to go
Ugh! It's so early i don't wanna
Robert-same but if not you don't wanna see peter being peter.
Oh damn     okay then..
We got our things up on the van and before i knew it we were on the road already.
Robert was reading a magazine,and jimmy was driving,then bonzo and john were sleeping.
I was just there staring out the window.
We finally arrived at the area the bus was at,there seemed to be a crowd of people either journalists,photographers,and roadies i assumed.
We pulled up and the guys got their luggage and were walking forward to Peter.
I stayed back I had no luggage and were wearing the same clothes for the past 3 days.
Robert came up to me and took my hand and directed me to the bus.
Robert-come on the bus is towards this way. Your going to have to meet peter today most likely.
Eh ya i know but he isn't that bad right?
Robert-well depends on how he feels that moment but he's cool.
I got up the steps on the bus and took my seat Robert had told me he was going to sit there with me but first he got us a coffee.
I was alone in the bus since everyone else was outside. Jimmy started coming towards the bus.
Jimmy-hey Abby you doing alright?
Hey jimmy ya i am actually Robert went to go get us coffee.
Jimmy-ah okay. Hey Abby I wanted to talk to you about will getting you home?
What and how was i going to tell jimmy I decided to stay.
Well jimmy i was talking to Robert last night and I decided to will stay..
Jimmy had this shock and scared face i really could tell he didn't approve of the idea.
Jimmy-Abby are ya crazy? How can you stay what if you just randomly disappear out of no where,this isn't a safe idea.
I know it isn't but am convinced i don't want to return home I've been having to much fun here and back home my life is so boring and just filled with problems.
Jimmy-well okay then,if your sure about this.
Jimmy and i fell into a awkward silence
Lucky for me Robert was coming back to the bus.
Robert come up to the bus with two coffees in his hand.
Robert-hey! I got the coffees,oh hi jimmy.
Oh thanks Robert! I really needed some coffee.
Jimmy-hey Robert. Uhm so we should be heading on the road pretty soon, I recommend getting settled down peter is getting on soon.
Robert-oh alright then,hey and what do we tell him about Abby?
Jimmy and Robert were having a conversation,it wasn't interesting until they mentioned my name in it.
Jimmy-will I suppose we should keep half of it real and half lie,we can't tell him she's from the future he's going to kick her out and kill us all at once.
Why don't we just tell him am from around Manchester? And just cut it off there.
Robert-ya that would work but what do we tell him if he asks why we brought you here.
Jimmy-ill just tell him your his girlfriend that will shorten things out.
Oh i guess that will work.
I started slightly blushing,but I quickly hid my face in my coffee cup.
Peter-i swear you little shit,you do one more thing wrong ill be putting your trousers where your shirt should be.
Well I thought we had made a well enough plan,but now hearing peter i don't feel so confident anymore.
Robert-hehe... no need to worry Abby i told you he's sometimes like this.
Robert-Shut Up! Jimmy,your not helping.
  I saw Robert and jimmy get a worried face,that wasn't helping me what if peter didn't approve of me coming along? Well its not like I can just leave I can't stay alone.
Peter-*walks up steps* little shi-      Jimmy! Who the bloody hell is that?
Well i knew this wasn't going to end well.
Jimmy-oh uhm oh who she?
Peter-yes who other.
Jimmy-ha well..she's Roberts girlfriend.
I tried to act not so awkward and look natural as possible.
Peter-oh alright then. Whatever where's bonzo and john! I am already pissed at this man who messed shit up.
I was in relief,lucky me peter didn't give a damn.
Robert-well that was a close one,too close i may say.
I know right! I can't believe it either i really thought he was going to get upset.
Robert-the good thing is he didn't. Am just glad ill get to spend the tour with you.
Am glad as well.

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