Falling for love

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I woke up to the snoring of Robert,I thought I would end up waking up in my bedroom this all wasn't actually really a dream, i was truly living in 70s London and just casually hanging out with zeppelin. All though i knew I had to go back one day I was slowly just never wanting to go back to my boring old life back home.
I started to hear loud noises coming from outside the room,I slowly got up and reached for the door,surprisingly woke up Robert i thought he was deep asleep.
Robert-'yawns' hey good morning,what time is it?
Oh sorry to wake you let me check my phone.
Robert-your phone? How will a phone tell you the time.
Ah shit! I forgot phones don't exist,let me just go ask the guys they seem to be awake.
I had totally forgotten that i had no phone,I probably left Robert quite confused about that.
Hey good  morning guys! How did yall sleep?
Jimmy-oh good morning to you too Abby i slept well
Good to know oh and what time is it?
Jimmy-oh its 8AM
Okay thanks!
I rushed to the bedroom again to inform Robert of what time it was. Hey Robert I've got the time its 8AM
Robert-oh alright thanks
As i was about to reach over to get my blanket i trip and landed on top of Robert.
Ah! Ow shit that hurt.
Robert-woah there you alright?
I had tripped and fell on top of Robert and he hold me by my waist. I felt a million of butterflies in my stomach feeling his hands on me,but no i cant get carried away with this.
I quickly got up and sat on the bed facing him.
Ya don't worry i am just landed on my wrist.
Robert-ooh- let me see it.
He grabbed my wrist and began to examine it carefully. I had no hell of a idea what he was doing but he seemed to not know either.
Robert what are you doing?
Robert-well am checking your wrist to see if its broken or swollen
Uhm am pretty sure your checking my palm.
I caught him blushing when i found out he was just touching my hand.
You seemed so fascinated with my hand,do people from the future have different hands or something?
Robert-oh what no they don't haha i just thought your hands were soft.
Hm really? My mom always says i have rough hands
Robert-then your mum is crazy,you have beautiful hands.
I couldn't contain my smile and then my smile turned into laughter,Robert then began to tackle me out of no where.
No no Robert! Am ticklish there stop!!
Robert-oh so you are
Ahahhhah! Stop please!
At that point i started to cry laugh,he finally stopped and laid next to me in bed as i was trying to gasp for air.
Robert-your a sweet girl Abby you have a wonderful personality.
Was this all my imagination or was Robert plant flirting with me??
Oh well thank you Robert you have a wonderful spirit as well.
Robert-woah you got beautiful eyes
Hmm Robert your not flirting with me right?
Robert-maybe not maybe I am 'winks'
Okay at this point Robert had me in love with him now,but I just wanted to stop myself from doing it because when I returned home I would lose him and I didn't want that.
It became kinda awkward for us both until jimmy came in and startled us off bed.
Jimmy-Ay! You too are you coming for breakfast? Ooh was i interrupting something here or...
What no your not jimmy and ya we'll be over there.
As jimmy closed the door behind him,i heard him walk away. I leaned against the wall in relief.
Robert-phew that was close.
I know now let's go and eat.
Me and Robert made our way into the kitchen and sat on the bar stools.
John-good morning Abby oh and Robert.
Good morning John.
Robert-good morning John,hey Jimmy what we eating?
Jimmy-eggs and bacon something quick we have to meet up with peter about the tour.
Who's peter?
I was not thinking straight and I didn't get that Peter was their manager which I totally knew.
Bonzo-oh he's our manager.
Bonzo came up from the back of me while having food in his mouth.
Oh ya okay,I'll stay here will I don't think you would want to bring me.
Jimmy-oh alright and no we would because either ways Peter is going to have to meet you after tomorrow.
Damn that quick I haven't even felt the time go by
John-will it hasn't been such a long time since you got here it's been barley 24hours
Oh right-it's felt like longer.
We finished up breakfast and I got dressed in the same jeans as yesterday,I had no shirt so I decided to just get the same shirt of yesterday and tie it in a knot,when I was walking into the room Robert was there on the bed.
Robert-damn that looks hot on you.
What my bra?
Robert-ya your bra looks hot.
Oh shut up am not wearing just my bra Robert. Am taking the shirt from yesterday and tying in a knot.
Robert-ooh creative,I promise I'll get you proper clothes later I know you can't just live off those jeans and one shirt.
Oh no it's okay Robert I can make them work no need to buy me clothes.
Robert-I didn't ask you I will buy you clothes wither you like it or not
He pinched my cheek and left the room for me to change.
I was absolutely on my knees for this man,he was so sweet and nice I never imagined him to be like this at all.
I got the shirt and tied it like I said,it looked rather good on me I got my hair brushed and added two small braids in front.
Then I heard a knock on the door.
Jimmy-hey Abby it's me just to let you know we're leaving.we will be back in a few hours.
Oh okay Jimmy! Drive safe.

[jimmy POV]
We were running late to the meeting with peter of which already had my phone ringing at home constantly asking us when were arriving.
I really hope Abby doesn't answer the phone or else we have two explanations to give peter.
Robert-eh I don't think she will.
Damn guys I can't keep making myself feel normal we literally have a girl from i don't where in our apartment! Like how are we supposed to bring her back home.
John-pretty sure she said she's from 2021.
Ah yes thank you john as if it matters! She's not from this time line that's all i need.
Robert-okay calm the fuck down jimmy,your not the only one who's freaked out by this.
Oh shut up Robert like your freaked out,don't pretend like I didn't see that in the bedroom.
Robert-what do you mean! If you're thinking something that's not what it is,why can't I just have friends that are girls huh?
Oh ya right you having lady friends that's so believable.
Bonzo-look jimmy who cares if Robert likes Abby she's eventually going to end up leaving and we will leave this all behind us Okay?
I hope your right bonzo because if we cant bring her back, well who knows what can happen to her.
The car ride over to the studio was awkward and uncomfortable,Robert had this shame on his face I didn't have a clue about why he even got upset when bonzo said Abby is eventually going to leave.
I whispered to Robert hopefully getting a conversation out of it.
Robert-what do you want?
Look Robert am sorry about that,its just that am so freaked out and you seem like you just don't care.
Robert-its not that I don't care I just don't want Abby to leave.
Damn Robert look Abby has her life back home,she has her friends and family it's selfish for us to just keep her in this time line.
Robert-I mean ya i know,but she didn't really talk well of back home.
What do you mean Robert?
Robert-well she said she has problems with her parents or something of that sort.
Oh well that's normal we all have issues with our parents,at least she's almost 18 she can be out of the house.
I felt bad for Robert i don't know why he's always falling for the wrong girl.
We got at the studio and like I excepted peter yelling at us because of the time. Eventually we got settled on a time and place,and now we were out of there and heading home to Abby.

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