Reversed times

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I woke up around 10 am, i had some texts from my mom checking up on me so i answered them and got up to get some breakfast, the sun was shining and it wasn't as cold as before. I took these as signs of a good day
I went downstairs and put on some coffee and turned on the tv since am not going to school anymore i can basically do whatever I want. I made some toast and added some butter to it and just sat on my couch while sipping my coffee.
All of a sudden I heard a thump noise coming from upstairs,this wasn't the first time I've been home alone so i shrugged it off but i kept hearing creaking from the wood floors. I got a bit more worried so I decided to go and check what it was
As i went up the stairs the noises got more louder and closer, i grabbed a bat from the tiny closet upstairs and opened my parents door..there was nothing i then opened the bathroom door and there was nothing..i just had to open my bedroom door because that's for sure where the noise was coming from.
I slowly reached for the door handle and slowly opened it.
I wasn't prepared for what i was about to see
I dropped my bat into the floor and just stood there in shock in disbelief, Led Zeppelin was in my bedroom! In my house
But how? Why, now I didn't know why I hadn't wished for anything, I didn't wish for this to happen
Robert seemed excited to see me, but the rest of the guys seemed worried they had this terrified look in their face like they just witnessed a murder.
Why are you all here?
Jimmy-i ask the same question
Bonzo-holy shit..were in the future
Yes,yes you are. I have to call a friend she won't believe this
Jonsey-well hopefully she will because were here
Robert-Abby love am so happy to see you
Am so happy to see you too! How are you are you okay?
Robert-ya i feel fine, what about you? It feels like  forever since I've seen you
Ya am okay am doing even better now
Hold on i gotta call my friend, you guys stay in here
~come on Destiny
~ Destiny-Abby?? Why are you calling me am in class
~Destiny I don't care about class right now and you shouldn't either
~Destiny-excuse me what
~Destiny-i can't just leave class
~please its urgent
~Destiny-FINE but you owe me after this one
~yes of course i do
~meanwhile in the room~
Jimmy-who's Destiny?
Bonzo- I don't know.. maybe her mom
Robert-bonzo she said her "friend" I don't think she's friends with her mom
Jimmy-ya duh
Bonzo-okay sorry i just wanted to say something
Jonsey-am guessing she's the person she was going to call
Jimmy-now that makes sense
Robert-the future doesn't look to strange
Jimmy-ya it doesn't really...everything seems normal
Bonzo-ooh she has records
Robert-lets look through them
Jimmy-look she had some zeppelin ones
Robert-wait I don't recognize some of these?
Bonzo-ugh robert were in the future of course some of these were released afterwards
Robert-oH ya I forgot
Jonsey-who's Ari-Ariana grande?
Bonzo-is that in Spanish
Robert-grande- i think that's big in Spanish
Jimmy-she's Ariana big?
Jonsey-okay...maybe the future is a bit off
Robert-look at this dude, Justin Bieber
Jimmy-what the bloody hell is wrong with his hair?
Jimmy-what? Oh my god
Robert-cat..she's a cat
Bonzo-i can't tell if she's naked or not
Jimmy-pretty sure she is
Robert-i don't know it looks blurred and she's covered in paint? I think
Jonsey-the future is scandalous
Bonzo-she makes music? Or is she a model
Robert-considering she's on a vinyl she's probably a singer
What are you guys doing?
Bonzo-AH nothing....
Robert-just looking at some records
Jimmy-who the hell is Justin Bieber? And why is his hair looking like that
Justin Bieber? I have a record of him
Jimmy-uh yes
Oh I don't know,back then we all made bad decisions
Robert-i can tell
Bonzo-oh and who is this? She calls herself a cat
Oh Doja cat
Bonzo-is she a model?
Jimmy-maybe she's like the Bettie Paige of this generation
No and no, she's definitely no Bettie Paige. She's just a singer
Okay i called my friend she's on her way!
Robert-oh okay,what's that in your hand?
Oh my phone why?
Jimmy-last time I checked that is not a phone
Bonzo-ya like we all know phones are on the walls
I think your forgetting this is the future,this is a phone
Robert-woah can I see it?
Jonsey-let me see
Robert-Twitter? What's that
Bonzo-is it a bird thing?
Nope it's a social media platform
Jimmy-a what now?
Social media,you can talk to anyone anywhere
Jonsey-so I can talk to someone in Japan
Yes exactly
Robert-damn now this is the future
Basically the internet it's what this all is called
Jimmy-interesting name, TikTok?
Bonzo-probably a clock
Hahah nope, it's a app where people post videos
Jonsey-what type of videos?
Like dancing videos,and uhm random ass shit
Bonzo-huh let me try it,how do I get it to work?
Robert-dude just click it
Me and the guys were having a good time,it was funny teaching them how to use a phone. I heard the door bell ring and I knew it was destiny.
Wait guys stay here.
I got up from the floor and headed to the door.
Hey destiny!
Destiny~you better have a good excuse
I do I promise, follow me
Destiny~do you hear that?
Hear what
Destiny~I could have sworn I heard laughter
Oh that's just zeppelin in my room
Destiny ~oh okay-WAIT WHAT?
You heard me
Destiny ~no fucking way
Oh hell ya
I opened my bedroom door and there they were
Looking through TikTok
Guys I'll like to introduce you to my friend Destiny
Destiny ~holy crap
Bonzo~Ay! Am John Bonham
Robert~ hey,Robert plant. nice to meet you
Jonsey~ Ello! Am John Paul jones
Robert~Jimmy introduce yourself
Jimmy~ah yes sorry,hello am Jimmy page
Destiny ~no fucking way Abby....they're
I know right- that was my same reaction that's when I knew this wasn't all a dream. This is bold proof am not lying
Destiny~if the locket didn't do it this certainly did
Robert~what locket?
Oh Robert I found this locket in my pocket yesterday locket I must have accidentally placed it there
Oh am sorry I didn't know it was yours here have it
Robert~no no you have it.. it has your picture and plus I was thinking of giving you it after the show
Awh thank you
Bonzo~anyways am hungry
Jimmy~your always hungry
Bonzo~ya well am extra hungry now
Destiny~should we go out and eat something? Maybe at the mall
Are you crazy! We can't take them out they're going to be recognized
Bonzo~damn it, whats a mall exactly?
Destiny~uh I thought malls were invited in 50s or something
They were but they aren't that popular until the 80s
Destiny ~ah well, john malls are like this big building with different stores and a food court inside
Bonzo~oh I know now! Ive been to one it was okay i guess
Destiny~why was it not that good?
Bonzo~I don't know maybe it's because it was in Alabama
Robert~what the fuck are you doing in Alabama?
Bonzo~it was when you pricks left me there stranded in some gas station
Jimmy~oh hahaha! I remember that
No ill go grab us some food from the town, Destiny stay here and uh i don't know show them the future
Destiny~okay then
As much as i wanted to take them out I couldn't,they could get recognized and that's the last thing i need.
I took my coat and put on some shoes and went out, I didn't know what to actually get but i was thinking some Mexican food.
I was hoping to not take too long,I didn't want to leave Destiny all alone with them i know she is as freaked out as i am
                                                                               ~Destiny POV~
Abby had left me all alone with these guys and i had no idea what to tell them or what to do with them, i was always a awkward person and in this situation I was even more awkward.
Jimmy~sooo got any hobby's?
Oh me? Uhm nope not really
Jimmy~oh okay.. what else is there to the future
Bonzo~flying cars?
Nope we don't got that yet
Jonsey~then what do you got
We have big TVs?
Bonzo~I wanna see!
Okay then all follow me downstairs
I decided to show them the tv and possibly some channels and some movies
Bonzo~holy crap! Look at the size of that tv
Robert~its huge how much did this even cost
Well that probably $400 dollars or something considering its old
Bonzo~thats 'old'? Damn imagine the newer ones
Well the newer ones are kinda like this one but they come with more features
Ya like Apple TV
Jimmy~what? A Apple TV
Bonzo~is it a apple
What no! Am sorry I should have explained, apple is a phone company they made abbys phone and my phone. They're called iPhones.
Jonsey~this is all so confusing
Ya i bet- you guys like movies?
Bonzo~hell ya we do!
Robert~ya when we can we head to the theater
Well what if we watch some Netflix
Jimmy~what movie is that?
Ooh its not a movie its a app where you can watch movies or shows
Robert~damn can this get any better
Okay look let me set it up
I was going to set up a movie when Abby came in with our food. At this point because of all of this i was starving.

                                                                                 ~Abbys POV~
I finally got the tacos and some chips and soda, i did struggle to carry all of the food all the way here but it was worth it.
I was opening the door and i saw everyone was already downstairs,I could see Destiny was showing them the tv and what appeared to be Netflix.
Hey guys am back with the food!
Bonzo~ooh let me help with that
Jimmy~oh the fuck you don't! That food is for all of us
Bonzo~what! Am just helping jeez
Jimmy~just helping- last time you were 'just helping' you ate all the food
Bonzo~oh stop being so dramatic
Robert~Jimmys right we were starving for 3 hours
Uh maybe I'll just carry it myself..but thanks for the offer bonzo
Bonzo~you see now she can't trust me with the food!
After that i just took the food to the kitchen myself, i was hoping i got enough for everyone i took the food over to the kitchen counter and took out some plates, i set the table in the living room so we could watch some movies.
Okay guys I've set the table over here so we can watch movies while we eat
Bonzo~oh my god you got Mexican food! I love me some tacos
Well i do have to treat you guys well since you all did it for me
Jonsey~awh well thanks, do you need help setting up?
No am okay but thanks jonsey
Destiny~hey pst.. Abby
Huh what is it?
Destiny~could you come over here
Uh okay
What's up?
Destiny~I know you or we are having a good time but we have to find a way to bring them back. We can't have them stay here forever
Oh ya I understand that..but they seem so happy here and I love having Robert here with me
Destiny~oh I know that. But look eventually they're gonna get tired of being here, and plus we're going to have to keep on hiding them and what will happen with the band? They're name they're existence will disappear
I never thought of it in this way, Destinys right the band will disappear,there wont be no Led Zeppelin
Your right but how can we help them? At least with me i knew how i got here and i figured out how to get back but them.. they didn't wish for anything they didn't want this to happen.
Destiny~what if after we eat and watch the movie we get to talking
Okay i guess that's fine,plus am starving lets go
                                                                   ~meanwhile in the living room~
Jimmy~ there's so many options in this thing
Bonzo~whats it called again?
Bonzo~ah ya right.. whats stranger things?
Robert~i have no clue click on it Jim
Jimmy~it says uh i have no clue.
Robert~it looks good, its not a movie its a show
Bonzo~well then put it on
Jimmy~okay okay do we agree on stranger things? Jonsey you wanna watch this
Jonsey~sure why not
Jimmy~okay then stranger things it is
Hey guys sorry we took long, just going over what I ordered
Destiny~ooh you guys picked stranger things
Jimmy~yup bonzo thought it looked interesting
Destiny~well its a very good show. It's based in the 80s
Robert~damn another year were not familiar with
Bonzo~well how is it? Are we still together playing
Oh uhm.. not really you guys kinda uh
Destiny~take a break.. you guys take a break
Robert~i find that hard to believe why would we take a break?
Well in that time things are different and you all just seek for something different now
Ya like solo careers
Jimmy-oh okay then
Bonzo-well let's get to eating!

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