Is this the final show?

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Me and robert had made ourselves to backstage, it was dark and sweaty there were people walking and running everywhere, everyone had a assigned job and it was chaotic.
I couldn't keep my eyes off robert knowing I'll never feel his touch again I held his hand tight.
Jimmy-there you guys are! We're late on stage because of you Percy
Robert-AY am coming alright
Well you do great out there okay?
Robert-ya i will! Look you can come on stage you can stand in the corner
No way the best seats in the house
Robert-of course anything for you. I- i love you just know that Okay?
I know i love you too, I'll always keep you in my heart robert or should i say Percy
Robert-hahah...ya i love you my love
He kissed me one last time before going up stage, i later followed him up there when i saw them preform.
It was unbelievable they were unbelievable they're power they had on stage was incredible. The whole show me and Robert kept on making eye  contact I could sense robert kept looking back to make sure I was still there.
When the show was about to conclude i started to feel light headed exactly how I felt before. I then closed my eyes
And that was it.

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