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I woke up to the sight of my ceiling fan,it was cold and wet in my room I must have left the fan on before I fell asleep and well everything else happened. It had been a couple of days since I've woken up in my bedroom, I searched desperately for Robert and the rest of zeppelin but there was no sight of them..i had returned home something I didn't want to do.
I was still in a state of shock but when that feeling passed i started to cry into my pillow, my dream had gone to a end
I was alone and lonely, I didn't want to leave I felt to attached to where i was, i felt comfortable and safe and that i belonged there.. I didn't know if time had passed when i was away, what if my parents came home to me not here? What if they're searching for me right this second.
I got up from my bed to see my pillow soaked in my tears, i had to collect myself because i didn't know if the days I've had spent in the 70s had effected this time.
I went downstairs and there was no one home, i had to check my phone and i had no miss calls,no texts, and it was the exact date that it was supposed to be. I had to call my friend destiny i had to tell her everything that had happened.
~pick up please...
~Destiny- hello?
~destiny am so glad you answered,look you won't believe what happened to me you need to come over please.
~Destiny-okay hold on what's wrong? Is everything okay
~just please get over here as soon as you can
~Destiny- alright fine ill be there in 5 minutes.
~okay thank you!
Lucky for me she wasn't busy I didn't know how i was going to explain this to her, i had to use a different method than the one i used to tell zeppelin because that just didn't work out.
About 6 minutes passed and I heard a knock in the door, i ran downstairs as fast as i could and opened the door.
Destiny-hey! You good?
Ya..ya am fine well kinda not really. Something just unbelievable happened to me
Destiny-my god well what was it?
I think i time traveled
Destiny-uhm...excuse me?
I know what your thinking I didn't know how to explain this to them either but-
Destiny-wait who did you explain this too
Led Zeppelin! I had to explain this to them
Destiny-zeppelin? Abby are you okay, like this just sounds like a dream you had
No but it felt so real
Destiny-i know about this kind of stuff you probably just lucid dreamed, that's all
No thats what i thought as well but i fell asleep there and i woke up there with them still
Destiny-then why aren't you still there?
Look I wished to go back to 1973 and to see zeppelin preform live, and i guess my wish came true and once I completed my wish i would come back.
Did you not get anything i just told you?
Destiny-look your going mad crazy Abby,first you drop out of school and now this! What's wrong with you
Nothing is wrong with me! I am telling the truth i swear please believe me
I began to cry I couldn't contain my tears,i was frustrated Destiny wasn't believing me how i was i going to convince that this was all true and not just a lie or dream.
Destiny-okay clam down, Abby this is hard to believe but its okay ill try my best to understand this situation of yours
It's just that everything was perfect, i felt like i belonged and he loved me...he truly loved me
Destiny-who did?
Robert plant.
Destiny-awh Abby...its okay
No its not okay am not going to be able to feel his touch again.. he can't love me the same way anymore
Destiny-okay am sorry I don't know how to take this
No its okay am sorry for being so sensitive with you, its just that am really hurt and frustrated with all of this
Because i know what I saw and experienced wasn't a dream it was real.
Destiny-look why don't we go out and eat somewhere,to get your mind distracted from this all
Okay fine.
I agreed to Destinys idea of going out some place, i took my jacket and grabbed my phone and we walked to a nearby town that had shops and some cafes.
Destiny-look why don't we go into that one.
Oh okay that seems nice
Destiny-its quite empty,why don't you go grab us a table ill go order us some coffee and muffins
Okay i will.
I made my way to the window seats and grabbed the table closets to the window up front.
I sat down and just looked out the window admiring the view
This restaurant reminded me of the one the guys took me too, it felt warm and cozy and had a good view from the window.
Destiny-back! Ooh grabbed us the best seat in the house
Destiny-what,what's wrong? Did i say something wrong...
What no of course not! It's just that.. that was one of the last things i said to Robert
Destiny-aw am sorry, I didn't mean to trigger that feeling from you
No its okay don't apologize
Destiny-may I ask why did you say that to him?
Oh well the group brought me on tour with them in London and Robert said i could go on the corner of the stage, i saw everything, i truly felt what they feel being up there. Only if you could have seen all of the people and the power they hold on stage.
Destiny-woah...that must have felt amazing, you really describe these moments so realistically. am really starting to believe you now
Well uhm thanks
Destiny-ya was he as beautiful as you say he is when you show me pictures
Oh he's 100x more gorgeous in person
Destiny-i bet
oh haha..did you know at night before he goes to sleep he reads a book
Destiny-no way! Seriously?
Ya! He does, i found that so amusing about him.
Destiny-he sounds like a genuinely nice person
He really is. Oh i wish i had boughten some kind of souvenir or something with me, to prove i was really there
Destiny-oh well who knows maybe it could have disappeared- hold on whats that in your pocket?
What do you mean?
Destiny-there in your left pocket
Oh i don't know.. let me see
I reached over to my pocket and I felt something cold and heavy in it, i had no clue what it was so i pulled it out.
When I reached in and grabbed it, to my surprise it was a locket in form of a necklace.
Destiny-woah that's beautiful! When did you get that
I have no idea..I don't think this is even mine
Destiny-well its a locket open it
When i did open it,it had a photo of me and Robert together in what seemed to be the tour bus we were on.

I could barley even get words out of my mouth, i began to cry softly seeing the picture
Destiny-whats wrong? Let me see what's in it
You won't believe it
Destiny-well let me see
Destiny grabbed the locket and looked at the picture, she seemed to be more surprised than me, she was examining it and looking at it deeply.
What whats wrong with it?
Destiny-nothing is wrong with it...i just can't believe it, this is a real photo of you and Robert
I don't know how it got here though...how did it not disappear
Destiny-i have no clue. Well at least you have a beautiful memory this locket
I know, it brings me some comfort seeing him again
Destiny-damn i never knew how sad this was gonna get
Haha- ya i guess I didn't expect it getting even more depressing
Destiny-well we should get you home it's getting late
Ya it is, oh i got a text from my parents hold on
~Abby, were not going to be home until next Thursday, please be careful and lock the doors. Love mom~
Well damn it my parents aren't going to be home until next Thursday.
Destiny-damn thats the longest they've taken
I know right, whatever they're doing must be important
Destiny-well lets go
Okay let me leave a tip
Me and Destiny left and started to walk home, it was getting colder as we walked but thankfully we've had already reached the house.
Destiny-okay were here, bye Abby ill see you later! Please get some sleep
Ya ill try thanks again! Bye
Destiny had left and i was already home, it was getting dark outside and I was tired, i spent the whole day crying and stressed.
I took a cold shower and put on some sweatpants with a old bar t shirt that my aunt gave me.
I went up to my room and just cuddled my pillow pretending it was Robert.
I drifted off to sleep holding the locket close to my heart.

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