Figure it out

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We were binge watching stranger things all day
Robert-Why are they singing????
Bonzo-idk but i like the song
Jonsey-....Turn around. Look at what you seEeEeEE
Jimmy-in her face...the mirror of your dreamsSSs
Jonsey-written on the pages!
Robert-the answer to a never ending story!
Destiny-reach the stars! Fly a fantasy
Dream a dream, and what you see will be
Jimmy-rhymes that keep their secrets will
Robert-unfold behind the clouds!
And there upon a rainbow is!
Jonsey-the answer to a never ending story!
~Everyone~ STORY!!!
Oh my god ahhahahahah!!
Robert-this is the best song I've ever heard
Jonsey-jimmy I didn't know you could sing
Jimmy-I can't but when it comes to this one I shine
Destiny-I've never imagine this ever!
The day grew darker soon, I lost complete track of time I was having to much fun, especially when they started singing to stranger things
Destiny-ugh my stomach hurts after all that laughing,what  hour is it?
It's 7pm
Destiny-oh crap I gotta go home! Look I'll come by tomorrow after school okay!
Awh okay bye Destiny thanks for coming
Destiny-no problem! Bye guys cya tomorrow
Robert-bye Destiny!
Jimmy-bye! Love
After Destiny left I had a lot to clean up after
Jeez we made a lot of mess
Robert-awh ya we did, I can help you
Oh no it's okay Robert! You go ahead and get settled for bed
Jimmy-where are we sleeping?
Good question... idk
Bonzo-I call couch
Jonsey-damn it! I was gonna call couch
Bonzo-too late
I have some mattresses in the garage I'll go get them
Robert-I'll go with you
Me and Robert made our way into the garage, it was dark and it had gotten more cold
Robert-is Chicago always like this?
Pretty much, well during the winter at least
Robert-ah okay, where are they?
They must be stored in some box somewhere
Robert-hey uhm Abby..
Robert-I have to be honest with you.. idk how we got here
Awh it's okay Robert. We'll figure something out
Robert-the only thing I know is that our heads started to hurt and we decided to head to bed early
That's kinda similar to what happened to me
Robert-but why?
I have no clue...well I know I wished for it but if you didn't?
Oh here they are, here grab this
If you want Robert you can sleep with me?
Robert-if that's comfortable with you
Ya it's totally fine
Robert-okay then!
We headed back upstairs and into the living room
Bonzo-finally you guys took ages
Oop well sorry it was dark down there
Jonsey-it's okay. Do we lay down in here?
Yes just lay the mattresses down
Jimmy-do you got any blankets?
Oh ya! I'll go upstairs to get some
I went upstairs to my parents room and grabbed some of my moms blankets, she wouldn't mind there's plenty of them
Here you guys go!
Jimmy-thank you!
Jonsey-okay thank you
Robert-okay we should head to bed now
Oh okay
Robert-if your tired of course
No ya I am let's go
Goodnight guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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