Risking it all

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When the guys came back everything seemed to be fine,except for Robert he seemed distant from me,did i do something wrong?
Uhm hey Robert are you okay?
Robert-ya i am why?
No its just that you seem distant from me you wont even look at me. Did i do something wrong?
Robert-what no you didn't do anything wrong,its just that i feel like we shouldn't mix any other feelings with each other.
I wasn't getting what Robert was trying to tell me,at that point my heart dropped to my knees i really thought he liked me.
Oh. I mean I don't know what feelings you mean,I thought we were just friends..
I hated saying the word 'just friends' because i felt that there was more than just a friendship here.
Robert-its so hard for me to accept that your going to leave one day,and leave me behind leave us behind we've had a wonderful time with you Abby and am just not ready for it to all end.
Robert was just admitting his feelings to me? I had nothing to say back what do you say to something like this.
I..Well Robert i don't know what to say,i don't want to leave either my life back is so boring and am so sick of it, i just  want to stay here forever with you.
Robert-then why don't you stay! You can live here until we can get our own place,you can come over and tour with us it will be such a amazing time.
At that point i knew i had to stay but what would happen to me? My parents my friends would history of my existence just disappear. What was I supposed to do.
Oh i don't Robert what do i do about back home? I don't know what the consequences of staying here are.
What if one day I just disappear and return home one random day,and ever come back.
Robert-erm..I can't say anything about that i don't know.but we will live everyday together like if we knew you were going to return home. Just please stay with me.
I couldn't say no to him because I wanted to stay i was going to risk it all for him and this decade.
Okay then I will but I have no clue if I'll just disappear one day. But I'll do it
Roberts face lit up and without thinking we joined together and kissed for the first time.
That kiss felt eternity to me even though we only kissed for about 5 seconds it was one of the most magical moments in my life.
Robert back away from me and held my face.
Robert-am so glad you'll be staying! We should pack for the tour.

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