Chapter 9.2

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On the control deck, Tirqwin was standing to one side, adjusting his suit and looking rather irritated, as Aurora conversed easily with the commander of the Fifth Fleet on the main wallscreen. Sabrina didn't recognize the commander, and she was distracted for a moment with dawning realization of what going back to Praxatillus after all this time would really feel like. She would be surrounded by strangers—even the people she had known would have changed in ninety-two years.

"Sabrina, we are quite busy here," Tirqwin said repellingly as he caught sight of her. He seemed to take in her hurt reaction and added in a gentler tone, "Go and clean up. You look exhausted."

"I'm not so exhausted I can't do something to help," she snapped. "I want to know why Mara hasn't brought Scotty and Ford back! If you know, tell me. And if you don't, then for God's sake let me go find out!"

"Mara has gone aboard the Sword of Corweign, and she has taken Niavar and Scotty with her," Tirqwin said, after a moment. "Sabrina, Asnefer is coming aboard. If you do not wish to assist me in welcoming her and explaining what has happened, you had better leave the control deck."

"I'm not afraid of Asnefer!" Sabrina grumbled.

Tirqwin just had time for a rueful smile at her before High Tirqwin Asnefer materialized between them. She was facing Tirqwin, and as the two Wayfarers exchanged the cross-armed bow, Sabrina did briefly consider ducking out. She and Asnefer had engaged in several battles of wills over the course of their acquaintance, and Scotty had once hijacked Asnefer's Wayship, Shahina. But they had parted comrades in arms, if not friends, and Sabrina supposed time might have softened Asnefer's memories.

Lost in her reflections, Sabrina did not hear Asnefer's greeting, but she did hear Tirqwin's reply. "Khediva and I welcome you, Asnefer äié Shahina. We will be pleased to answer all your questions in a moment. And Lady Sabrina, who has also been involved in what happened, will assist us."

Asnefer turned and took in Sabrina's presence with a raised eyebrow. Then she nodded. "Lady Sabrina," she acknowledged.

"High Tirqwin Asnefer," Sabrina responded, mirroring Asnefer's cool nod. "I am pleased to see you well. And High Wayship Shahina also, I hope?"

"Shahina returns your greeting and assures you of her excellent condition," Asnefer replied. "And I congratulate you on yours. I had thought you long dead." She looked back at Tirqwin. "I was not aware you had gone back in time to retrieve her."

"I did not," Tirqwin said, frowning. "And Mara could not have, either. Sabrina—"

Sabrina let her face go innocently blank. "I'm sorry, Tirqwin, High Tirqwin, but I'm afraid I'm needed aboard the Sword of Corweign. Do excuse me, please. Khediva?"

"No," Tirqwin said.

"Tirqwin!" Sabrina protested, giving him a meaningful look that was half warning, half appeal. She really didn't want to be the one to tell him about Ford's ship, especially not in front of Asnefer.

"Not until you tell me how you got to Stanos," Tirqwin said, folding his arms.

Sabrina's mind raced, trying to find some way to avoid answering. She put a hand to her forehead and said in a faint voice, "I'm really so tired—everything that's happened—I don't quite remember—"

Tirqwin's eyes narrowed; he wasn't buying it. Well, she hadn't really expected him to, had she? He said sharply, "It was not—no, it could not have been Varla, could it? If so, we have a much bigger problem than I suspected. Well, Sabrina?"

"No, no, it wasn't Varla," she hurried to reassure him.

"Then you do remember. I am pleased you are recovering," he replied, with a false sympathy that made her want to hit him.

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