Chapter 16.1

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Therenden's smile as he greeted Sabrina the next day was open and welcoming, but his eyes were shaded with concern. "How are you today?" he asked. "I haven't seen you since before Tassan Nikolar's funeral. I meant to call, but—"

"I know you're very busy. I mean, chairing one of the Miahn Councils can't be a picnic," Sabrina said.

"I'm so very sorry for your loss."

"Thank you. I just...I just hope it's the last one for a while," she sighed.

Therenden nodded. "Your brother is making progress, at least. Or they would not have sent for Prince Niavar."

Startled, Sabrina asked, "How did you know that?"

"The Council of Trême is very interested in this matter, as you might guess," he said wryly.

She sighed. "I can't get used to the idea of you as part of the Council of Trême."

"That," Therenden replied with a smile, "is because you're used to viewing that group as your opponents. I wish you would rid yourself of the idea. You have many allies there."

Sabrina tried to remember the chairs of the other Miahn councils, who made up the Council of Trême, but couldn't. It didn't seem relevant to her current position. Whatever that was.

The conversation turned to mutual acquaintances and court-related anecdotes while they ate. They had chosen to dine in the Ministry refectory, where many employees ate since it was so convenient to their offices. Sabrina found it interesting and somehow comforting to be around so many busy, focused people. It was a little like being back in the Senate, she thought. Except that there she would not have been the focus of so many curious looks and whispered conversations.

If Therenden noticed the attention they were getting, he didn't show it. As they were finished, he saw the little frown line between her eyebrows and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"I'm just not used to getting so much attention," she said, gesturing to the room around them. "I hope they'll all get used to seeing me soon. I don't like being so conspicuous."

He smiled. "I'm sure they'll adjust. As will you. You are, whether you like it or not, a public figure."

"I don't have to be," Sabrina said. "I could retire to Fibräaé and become a hermit."

"I think you would be bored," Therenden said. "Much better to stay here with your friends."

"I suppose you're right. Anyway, if I'm going to hang around with Ford, I guess I have to get used to it."

Therenden laughed softly. "Indeed. Few people receive the public scrutiny he does. He seems to have caught the public's imagination, for good or for bad. And anyone he associates with is also drawn into it. Especially if they are unmarried women. The people of Bathir have been clamoring for him to begin a new dynasty for them for years."

Sabrina tried to suppress a frown of annoyance. "I'm his cousin, for heaven's sake! And why does everyone feel compelled to warn me about Ford? He's not nearly as bad as everyone makes him out to be!"

"I'm not warning you about him," Therenden said. "As far as I can tell, he's not any worse than anyone else. He was put in a difficult position when he was too young to know how to handle himself, and he's suffered for it ever since. Unfairly, I think."

"Yes," Sabrina said, "and now he's trying to redeem himself by doing something noble and stupid! What good will it do him? It's all classified anyway!"

"I don't know," Therenden said. "Don't worry about him too much, Sabrina. All possible precautions are being taken."

"I know. But I can't help it. He's been so good to me, Therenden. I miss him."

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