Chapter 16.5

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Sabrina got as far as, "Hi, Mara. Ford's come to take me back with him, so—" before Mara cut her off.

"I'll be right there," the Queen promised ominously.

Sabrina glanced around her study, glad that Ford had made his escape. He'd looked much too weary for the discussion that was about to ensue, whereas she felt a strange exhilaration. At last, no more waiting helplessly for word on her brother's condition! She was going to Kaldoun and no one, not even Mara, was going to stop her.

Mara's wary expression as she materialized in front of Sabrina's desk told Sabrina that Mara had anticipated her determination. Well, after fifteen kids she's probably gotten used to these kinds of arguments. I must remember not to let this sink to that level. "Mara, please have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

Momentarily taken off guard, Mara sat down and shook her head. "Thanks for coming to see me," Sabrina continued calmly. "Now, you're going to tell me I can't go, and I'm going to tell you I'm going no matter what, and then you'll probably trot out some planetary security reasons that we both know are tangential at best, and in the end I'll go anyway. What do you say we skip all that and just part on good terms, with whatever advice you can give me?"

There was a pause as Mara tried to decide whether to be amused or angry. Finally she laid back in the chair, tucking one hand under her cheek as she leaned on the armrest in a very unregal pose. "It's been a while since anyone used my own tactics on me," she said, with a rueful smile.

"Hey, they were my tactics first," Sabrina grinned.

"I suppose they were," Mara agreed, as if just realizing it. "Which explains why I always find you so dreadful to argue with. But, by all means, let us cut to the chase, as Scotty would say. I sympathize entirely with your desire to go."

"My determination to go," Sabrina corrected.

Mara made a little throw-away gesture with her free hand. "I can't stop you. Well, I could try, I suppose, but it would achieve nothing but enmity between us, and I see no reason for that. But I am concerned, Sabrina. Not for the reasons you probably think, however. I simply find this sudden turnabout strange. The last message I had from Tirqwin said quite clearly that he did not want you there, and that I was not to allow you to sneak off with any plan of storming Homeworld's gates, as it were."

"Sneak off!" Sabrina echoed indignantly.

"Are you telling me it hasn't occurred to you?"

"Not as any kind of serious plan! Scotty's the one with the penchant for sneaking off, thank you very much."

"Don't take it as an insult, Sabrina. I thought it spoke highly of Tirqwin's assessment of your abilities that he thought such an occurrence was possible. Do you have any idea how difficult it would be for you to 'sneak off' Praxatillus?"

"No, and I don't want to," Sabrina replied. "I don't have to. I have an invitation. Tirqwin must have changed his mind, Mara."

"He rarely does so, unless there is new information. Is there?"

"Not to speak of. They've just finally realized that they'll need me to fill in the blanks in Scotty's memory, that's all."

"Hm," Mara frowned.

"Mara, Tirqwin must have changed his mind. Ford said I'd been sent for. If Tirqwin didn't agree to that, Ford has to be lying, for some obscure reason, or Tirqwin got overruled by Homeworld's scientists, which does not at all discourage me from going."

"Niavar has no reason to lie, even were he prone to that sort of behavior, which I'm thankful to say he's not," Mara sighed. "And it's true that if the scientists want you there, you should go, regardless of Tirqwin's opposition, which, I'm sure you realize, is entirely out of regard for your welfare."

The Way Back (Champions of the Crystal Book 4)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें