Todoroki Shoto X Reader: Fear

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Author: Sorry this took so long to make, my editor didn't have time to look at this because of time for family and thanksgiving and other things involving the holidays. Anyway I hope you like this.

This was suggested by Alysajj11

(Back Story)

One emotion you were practically accustomed to was fear. It was something a lot of people were accustomed to as even if they didn't put much thought into it there is a bit of fear in a person each day. Like the possibility of death, getting something done in time, or something so small like the back thought of a person's mind that they left the garage open and forgot to close it. Theses were all normal things people would be worried about, but you were worried more than people should be, no you were afraid a lot more than people should be. You were afraid of practically everything.

You see your childhood wasn't the best, it sucked, and it was all because of your quirk. It was called Hex, and Hex was said to be one of most versatile quirks there was. It had a lot of practical ways to use it as with your quirk you had the powers of telekinesis, forcefield generation, flight, mental manipulation, telepathy, and you once even altered reality by accident.

Just hearing how powerful your quirk is it would be no surprise you were kidnapped at a young age by some people and experimented on. Your kidnappers were hoping to find ways to use your quirk to their advantage by making it stronger, so strong in fact that it was a bit hard to control somethings and let your quirk be activated sometimes when you wished it not too when you feel too emotional and don't keep your powers in check.

This has been going on ever since you were a kid and it has not gotten any better growing up. People can just tell it is painful when they ask you how many scars you have and you respond with 'lost count' or 'some of these are recent' or 'there will be more tomorrow'. Unfortunately the people who always ask this are people who work with your kidnappers.

You thought this would go on until the day you die, but it seems the universe decided you suffered enough and the heroes came to save you. One of these being Eraser Head, which you were thankful for because when they came you were shocked, scared and whole bunch of emotions that set your quirk off. Luckily erasure stopped the quirk from doing much damage and the heroes were able to save you and arrest the people who were holding you.

After that happened you were taken back from the world after being freed from the criminals for years. A lot of people from different professions asked you lots of personal questions like your age, quirk, and other topics that left you confused. When it was all over you meet the man who saved you, Eraserhead. The hero was so nice and caring to you, you felt like as if he was the most nicest person in the world.

During the conversation Aizawa told you that you would be coming with him to UA and he will be seeing over you thoroughly. This decision was brought on because with your years lacking the necessary teachings the best was for you to learn would be at a school, it trained people that had highly dangerous quirk so it would be a good place for you train and have control over Hex, and with you seeming to already like him they didn't want to separate you from the one person who has shown you kindness in fear of what you would do.

You didn't like how it seemed that the people Eraserhead worked with were doing this in fear of your power, but you still said yes and you are glad you did. And in during that time you were able to easily catch up with other people your age group in grades. It occured to you that you were a fast learner.

Thanks to that you were able to join class 1a and got to meet all of the students. You were easily able to make friends with all of them, but there were two people you had a difficult relationship with. Those people were Bakugou and Mineta. Bakugou was a complicated guy who put all he had into becoming the next number one hero and he had a bit of temper which made it hard to have one conversation with the guy where he doesn't yell. And as for Mineta... well... Mineta is just a pervert so you hate him. Especially when he tries to hit on you.

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