Everyone has there Part to Play

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Hello. Guess what almost forgot to write this little part, but here I am again. Alright so this chapter may or may not go all over the place, so just be ready for many things to happen cause I'm going to hop around the story and other things. Well who cares Enjoy the story.


Hanta and Kirishma stayed in kiri's dorm with Denki woke up and then the 3 made there way downstairs to the kitchen passing the common room which was emty now as everyone had made there way come to there dorms as well as Bakugo and Midoriya because Midoirya was hiding now. The boys all took turns getting snacks from the fridge and than sitting down. Kirishima and Hanta both looked at Denki as he sat down beside Hanta. "Is everything okay?" Denki said as he looked at Hanta and Kirishima. "No you were crying and then you were passed out until just a few minutes ago dude." Kirishima said as he looked at Denki with worry in his eyes. 

"I'm fine just had a bad scare." Denki looked at the two guys sitting next to him. Hanta and Kirishima looked at Denki and then went to eating there breakfast. Hanta looked at Denki as he ate. Denki ate slowly as he looked at his phone. Kirishima stood up after he was done eating and went to cleaning his dish's. Denki looked at Hanta as he was slowly tearing up again. Hanta looked at him as he put his arm around Denki slowly. Denki jumped a bit at the touch and then calmed down as he leaned his head slowly on Hanta's shoulder. "Hey it's okay your over tried and worried about things just stay calm and don't worry to much." Hanta said low for only Denki to hear.

Kirishima looked back over cleaning up Hanta's and Denki's dish's for them as well. Denki and Hanta looked at Kirishima. "What is everything okay Bro's?" Kirishima asked with a weird look on his face. "We're fine just thanks for doing the dish's." Hanta said as he rubbed Denki's back. Denki closed his eyes as he leaned on Hanta. Hanta picked up Denki and moved to the couch where he laid down with Denki over top of him.

 Hanta picked up Denki and moved to the couch where he laid down with Denki over top of him

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Hanta looked at his phone as he got a text from his dad wanting info from the week. So hanta texted what he could without Kirishima seeing as he held Denki on his chest, where he had fallen asleep again. The two boys stayed like that in the common room for awhile well kirishima cleaned up around the kitchen and common room bored. 


Vex's looked over Hanta's text writing down everything useful to him. "Okay there at least getting good info, but I need more on the teachers if anything because most of them are pro's." Vex's set down his phone after texting Hanta one last time. He stood and walked out of his office and down the hallway where he walked into Dust's office and waved at his wife. They went to talking for hours about the new information.


Hanta looked at Kirishima as Denki had really passed out this time and wasn't awake yet, so he was stuck. "Bro you going to be okay like that?" Kirishima asked looking at Hanta with the sleepy Denki on him. "Yeah it's not like we haven't done this before for hours on end." Hanta as with a smirk. Izuku walked into the common, but quickly started running as Bakugo run into the room his hands sparked up looking at Izuku. "Get back here NERD!" Bakugo yelled at the top of his lungs as he went after Iuzku. Hanta looked at bakugo and yelled, "Be quiet or your going to woke up kaminari!!!!" Bakugo looked over as he scoffed and kept going after Izuku as they run outside after each other. 

(Few hours later)

Hanta and Denki sat at a small coffee shop as they wore masks and hoodies to hide their faces. Hanta looked at Denki as he took a sip of his coffee Denki doing the same, the boys knew theit job for the day and it was coming up faster then they wanted it to.

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Welcome back to the part of the story where I make you wait for the next part mahahahahahaha! 

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