•Part twelve

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Happy new year loves!

I also do suggest listing to the song 'baby' by Justin Bieber for the chapter. Also let's pretend that this is a modern' song for this time period

"I am going to go back to sleep because I am really tired. Try and get some sleep, you two." Tyler said and laid down in his sleeping bag.

"We will, goodnight, Ty." You smiled at your brother. "Thank you.

"Your welcome. It's time that I finally let you and my best friend date." Tyler smiled at you back. "Oh and Mars.. I'm sorry, happy birthday."

"It's alright. Happy birthday to you too, Ty." You said and then Tyler smiled at you, turning over to try and sleep.

You done the same and reached your hand outside of your sleeping bag, Fred the grabbed it in his hand and held it for the entire night.

The two of you woke up like that, facing each other and your hands holding from last night.

"Good morning." Fred smiled at you, looking into your eyes so you did as well.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" You asked him, still laying down.

"I slept great, how did you?" Fred asked.

"Not the best, I think I could do with a nap later on, thank you for asking though ." You said.

You and Fred talked for a bit before lots of other people around you started to wake up, including all of your friends. You were just talking to Fred about yesterday when Cora and Angelina jumped on you, you groaning and trying to push them off of you bug they hugged you too tight so that you couldn't.

"Get off of me!" You groaned.

"Never! Happy birthday, bitch face!" Cora exclaimed and kissed your cheek multiple times.

"Cora, watch your language. Happy birthday, Mars." Remus walked past you three on the floor.

"Thanks!" You called out to Cora's dad. "Now, get off of me you two."

"Nope. It's your birthday, we have to do something special." Angelina said. "Plus this is way more comfier than the floor, and we also give you cuddles on your birthday."

"Yeah, you should know that by now, Mars!" Cora whined, you then rolled your eyes pushed her onto the floor, her rolling into Tyler's sleeping bag and waking him up. "Happy birthday, Tyler."


You were still exhausted and so was Amy, so you two went back up to the dorm to sleep whilst everyone else done whatever. You didn't care as long as you got some sleep.

After a couple of hours later, you were woken up by a very loud song playing and multiple people around you. There was a big speaker in two people's hands, and everyone there was dressed up in some clothes.

Fred, George, Lee and Tyler were all dressed up in short skirts and crop tops, all belonging to you and the girls. They also had their hair done in very tiny braids with some hair clips in them, Tyler and Fred even had tiny pony tails in their hair.

Cora, Angelina, Amy and Pearl were all dressed up as well, they were wearing the boys' jogging bottoms and some shirts. Their shirts all had some sort of music album cover on it with the name of the artist or song. All of the girls also had some hats in their heads, some facing sideways and some facing backwards.

You looked around at everyone, very confused at why they all looked like this, before music started to play. The music came from the two giant speakers that Lee and George's hands.

The song baby by Justin Bieber started to play and you immediately laughed and sunk into your bed. That was when everyone started to dance along to the music, on beat.

Pearl and Cora both had their hair brushes as microphones. They were singing along to the lyrics into their hair brushes as Fred grabbed your cover and threw it on the floor so that you couldn't hide from any of them.

"You know you love me!" Fred sang and yelled at the same time, pointing at you, which made you burst out in laughter whilst everyone else stayed in character. "I know you care, just shout whenever, and I'll be there!"

"You are my love! You are my home!" Lee sang along to the music and moved to the other side of your bed, dancing along. "And we will never, ever, ever be apart!"

"Are we am item?" Cora moved over to you and sang to you, now holding out her hair brush for you to sing the next line as you knew it.

"Girl, quit playing." You managed to say through your laughter.

"We're just friend? What are you saying?" Cora sang and danced around with Amy.

"Said, there's another, and looked right in my eyes." Amy sang. "My first love broke my heart for the first time!!"

They continued to sing and make everyone start to laugh, Lee had to even excuse himself because Fred must have said something to him. You were sat up in bed, laughing at how stupid everyone was acting, and just thinking about how the boys fit into your clothes.

Then it got to the boys' favourite part. The girls sat down on Pearl's bed, which was closest to yours, to watch this as they had not "rehearsed" this part with them. They knew it would be really funny though.

"Luda!" George yelled. "When I was thirteen, I had my first love!"

"There was nobody that compared to my baby and nobody came between us or could never come above." Tyler rapped.

"She had me going crazy." Lee sung. "Oh, I was starstruck. She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks!"

"She made my heat pound, it skip a beat when I see her in the street and at school on the playground but I really wanna see her on the weekend." Fred said and put his leg on your bed, next to your thighs, which made your face turn red and your eyes widen. "She knows she got me dazing. 'Cause I was so amazing! And now my heart is breaking but I just keep on saying..."

Fred quickly blew you a kiss before lowering his leg and walking back over to the boys to start singing again. The four girls had chucked the four boys each a hair brush of theirs and they were now using them as microphones.

The boys then started to sing the rest of the verses whilst you and the four other girls just sat there and watched them have an amazing time dancing for you all. It was so funny to watch, especially seeing Fred dance and sing for you, it was definitely something.

Right when the song ended, the girls all got up and walked over to where the boys had just finished dancing. They each got on someone's back and held up some jazz hands before shouting.

"Happy birthday, Mars!!!"

Happy birthday to my two babies, Mars and Tyler Jackson <3

Word count: 1184

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