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(=different period)
(*= Age skip)

"Your going to be fine. I promise." Teresa had tears in her eyes as she placed pressure on my wound but that wasn't the thing I was worried about.

"Hope." I heard Minho and I looked up to see him still no able to move as he stared down at me tears travelling down his cheek and I painfully smiled looking up at him.

I looked back at Teresa as she still had her hand clasped to mine.

"Make sure he's safe. Minho, make sure he's safe."
And those were my last words.
Your hottest nightmare.
June Hope Young.

Or so I thought.

I managed to use all my strength opening my eyes seeing white lights blinding my sight and it was to hard to keep them open.

I swear I was supposed to end up in hell.

I managed to view my surrounding more seeing I was being wheeled somewhere. There was a sort of mask on my face. I looked around to see doctors staring down at me.

And that's when I lost my conscious once again.

Current age: 5

"Why do you have to keep me here Mom?" I folded my arms like staring up at her with such sadness in my voice.

"It's for the best Hope. Plus you can make plenty of friends. Look." She pointed at the row of boys and one girl sitting faw away from the rest of them and I huffed stomping my feet.

"Their all boys. Boys are weird." I told her fake gagging and she just laughed as she crouched down to be the same height as me.

"Hey they're not all bad. Plus there is a girl." She pointed out and she had her head down. She did t even talk to anyone.

"She's so quiet." I stated and mom just smiled staring at her to. "The quiet one's are sometimes the best. How about you make friends with her whilst I work. Okay?" She suggested and she then stood back up as she placed her lab coat on.

"What if they don't like me?" I asked her and she shook her. "Oh come on, everyone likes you. Now go on." She gave me a nudge towards Teresa as she then walked away to do her job.

I tried my best to get her attention as I placed out my hand waiting for her to shake it and she started at me with her big blue eyes confused.

"Hi. I'm June." I introduced and she hesitantly shook it. "My names Teresa. Named after mother Teresa." She finally smiled. "Since your the only girl here would you like to be my friend?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Why me? Why not them?" She looked over to the boys and I shrugged as I stared at them. "Boys are weird." I told her and she let out a little laugh.

"I agree."

"Hey we're not weird." Some other boys echoed through the room. Me and Teresa both looked over to see a six year old Thomas not very happy with our statements.

"Yes you are." I defended. "No we're not. Girls are weirder." A young Minho entered the conversation. "Are you crazy. Girls are way more awesome." Teresa said and I high fived her.

"No boys are way more better." Gally interrupted our conversation joining in with the debate. "Boys are dumb." I told them obviously being right.

"Hey we're not that dumb!" All of our eyes turned to a blonde boy as he also decided to join in. "Yeah you are." Me and Teresa both said.

Then Alby, Winston, Frypan and Zart were all joining in with our conversation but obviously the girls won.

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