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Almost a week left. Just a week. Just a week till I see him.

"Hey June." I was mixing up my chemicals taking in my notes and someone interrupted me. As much as I hate it I was always passionate on doing what they did. Finding a cure. But not at those costs.

But when someone interrupts my work space then it really pissed me of. "I'm busy."

"I just want to show you the improvements you've helped us make. We used your notes at the meeting today and they seemed to be happy with the improvements." She explained to me genuinely seeming happy with the work I did but I kept a straight face.

"Well they wouldn't assign me here if u wasn't good at my job." I said bluntly and she took that as her sign to go as she just nodded at me leaving.

I was hoping she'd stop to talk but she didn't, she just carried on walking. I was pushing her away. But then again I pushed everyone away. I just needed him right now.

God it was finally the end of the day. There was still a guard behind me following me until there very last second. Until my anklet was slipped on.

I slipped my anklet on and it immediately activated and that's when the guards left me. I walked of finally being able to get away from the building.

I walked through the crowded streets, a mask on my face to avoid any chances of catching anything and I walked across streets to get to the apartment building.

I walked up the stairs like I did for the past ten days and I would head straight for my room slamming my door shut and sit by the window staring out into the view.

And that's all I ever did. It's all I could do. Even if Luke was there. He couldn't do anything to cure how I felt.

There isnt a cure to everything.

"Hey there champ."

Luke's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I looked over to him putting on a smile as he walked over to me with a plate of food.

"Not long left June, imagine how happy he'll be when he sees you." Luke said trying his best to cheer me up and he placed his hand on my shoulder smiling up down at me.

"Are you gay?" I got of topic. "What?" He was caught off guard surprised that I asked.

"Are you gay?" I asked him repeating my questioned and he started laughing. "What on earth makes you think I'm gay?"

"You've never made a move on me or any female in your presence. And your to hot to be not gay. And I've never caught you staring at my perfectly good ass."

I raised my eyes at him giving him multiple valid reasons and he just laughed out even more. "To answer. No I'm not." He told me. I was just curious.

"And just because you haven't caught me doesn't mean I haven't. Plus you have no ass." God this idiot reminds me of newt. And in my defence I have an amaizing ass!

"Hey!" I scolded laughing along a little. "There's a girl. A women to be precise." He told me and I saw that little smile he had, the one where you think about someone way to much.

"Im invested now."

"She's a doctor. And yes, she's seen me without my mask. She's pretty cool I guess." Luke described and I raised my eyes at him wiggling my brows.

"Luke has a crush!" I chanted and he just looked at me embarrassed. "So do I know her?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"I will spill no more information!"

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