Green Bean?

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"That Sounds Like

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"That Sounds Like..."

Newt paused as I waited for him to finish his sentence.

"Just take it of green bean." Gally wanted me to stop taunting them and they still looked puzzled.
"Green Bean?" Minho repeated Gally's words.

"Brenda you have more of an ass!" I said pointing it out and she laughed and all of them had no idea how to react.

They stood there mouths opened shocked with their puzzled looks in who this masked familiar voice was so I decided whilst they tried to figure out who I was I'd give them a little hint.
I took of my gas mask and their faces dropped as they all stared at me in complete confusion.

"What the-" Frypan was about to curse until Newt ran into my arms hugging me as tightly as possible and I comfortably fell in his arms.

"No fucking way."

"Not to tight blondie, I'm injured." I struggled groaning and I hugged him back feeling a sense of closure when I hugged him. God I never realised how much I needed this until the minute he hugged me.

"God I missed you Newt." I said rocking back and forth not even caring about how much this hurt.
"I thought you were dead you twat." Newt mumbled in my shoulder and I felt so relieved.
He pulled away only for Fry and Brenda to run back into my arms.

"Always a pleasure Fry." I let out a laugh.
"I'm so confused." He muttered and I laughed out more.
"Missed you guys. Damn Fry you been working out!" I exclaimed poking his Muscles and he couldn't help but laugh.

I was missing one more hug and I looked over Thomas still staring at me not knowing how to react. My heart sunk when I saw the happiness but the pain in his eyes. His eyes rested up a little as he looked at me and I didn't know if he was angry or happy.

"Hi Tommy." I smiled and I was about to cry out of happiness.
"June?" He questioned still confused on what the hell was going on and he slowly walked up to me but He muttered something under his breath but he eagerly walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me. He hugged me, he held me the tightest.

"Hey there." I let out a laugh and I forgot what this really felt like.

"It's really you?" He asked me and I nodded feeling the tears of joy fill my eyes as I let out a laugh.
"It's really me." I saw Thomas with a small expression on his face not knowing what to do.

"I'm so sorry I put you through that." I wrapped my arms around him tighter and he placed his head into my shoulder.

"H-how?" He pulled away from the hug placing his hand on my shoulder and I slowly sighed. He actually smiled. God I was so happy to see him smile.

"Aris said he watched you die. I watched you-" he cut himself of trying to take it in and I had a downward smile taking the moment in.

"Janson, cold hearted dick, never had the intention to kill me. They actually managed to save me for a little. They-"

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