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It was actually going to be okay. I mean I may be a prisoner for them, but I guess it's just what I have to do. And the circumstances aren't half bad.

Okay how much of that did you beleive? I'm a great liar. If I'm being totally honest, I've almost figured out how to take my anklet of. So now as soon as I come home to an empty house I can actually sneak out into the city. As long as I'm back before the curfew and the guard check in. But as soon as I find a way out of here and save Minho I will be complete.

Even if it means saving Minho means risking me.

"June? Back to work." Teresa called out and my sandwich wasn't even finished yet. God the food they serve me is equivalent to prison food. I'm so glad Luke's a good chef.

"So, what department am I working in?" I asked her because they decided to change my time table a bit. It was only so I had time to have meetings with Ava, from next week. That's going to be great.

"Childrens." She stated and I widened my eyes. "What?" I asked her shocked. "Your gonna have to face the kids one day. There not devils June."

"Yes they are! There evil glared staring at me out to bite me. Their evil." I declared and she let out a laugh. She actually laughed. "Teresa." I fake gasped.

"How un-fucking-professional of you. Laughing at a workplace as miserable at this." I rolled my eyes at her over exaggerating a little. Almost three months in here I obviously wasn't gonna be completely silent toward Teresa. We sneak in a conversation or two a day.

"Your going to get me in trouble." She said walking me along the hallway with a guard stood by either side of us.

"As if. They worship you around here." I wasn't lying. Everyone loved her here. They looked up to her as someone amaizing.

"Come on, let's get you to these kids. I have no idea why your so scared of them?" She asked me and I raised my eyes at her.

I wasn't scared of them. They remind me of me. And god that's scary. But it's what WICKED put them through. To see the pain they go through everyday because of shit hole.

"You don't think it's unfair that if they do anything we can't beat them up?" I answered her with a question and she just chuckled at me.

"So your going to meet Minho again in two days." She brought up as we went into the elevator and my smile dropped.

"He still hates me?" Teresa asked and I nodded. "Don't be suprised. They all do." I said trying to make her feel better but I'm not so good at the consulting thing.

"Do you?" She asked me and I let out a small sigh before answering. "I want to." I told her and she was sad when I said that. "But I can't."

"Come on. You can deal with the boys first."

"God get me out of here."

I was led to the a lab and I was in a room by myself. They decided to make me work by myself under supervision for two reasons. So I wasn't a harm to others and to feel lonely.

I wasn't allowed to be with Luke at work. It was just me, and a guard. And Teresa for a minuite or two of the day.

They let me get set up. I was working on blood testing and over all analysing any change in either the substance made. Teresa's way better at explaining this then I am.

I was officially set up with my notes in one hand and my equipment in the other and then the door opened as a ten year old walked in.

"Hey there." I turned around to see him. Average height, hazel eyes. Brunette. Reminded me of Thomas.

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