Plan B

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"So they're finally letting me see you?"
Minho asked as he sat there on the ground helpless and I looked back at the two guards.
"You can leave."

"What if he attacks you-"
"Then I'll kick his ass." I fired at them and Minho just scoffed shaking his head with a smirk. "Sure you will."

"You don't think I can. Your looking pretty helpless right now." I commented and he just let out a laugh and I grinned at him.
I looked back at the two guards and they both left the room standing right outside the clear doors backs faced.

"Really are the saviour, Hope." He stated and I walked over to him crouching down to his level and I finally was able to lock my eyes with his and his gaze softened.

"I love you." I breathed against his face cupping my hands with either sides of his cheeks. "I hate you so much, holy shit." I shook my head placing my arms around his neck pulling him for a hug and he took everything he could me held me so tightly as we sat on the ground in the corner of the room but he was still handcuffed.

"I hate and love you too." He softly said his head buried in my shoulder.
"I can't do this without you." He said as he stared at my face tucking my hair behind my ear for me reaching for my lips once again urging for a other kiss.

"I'm gonna get you out of here." I promised holding onto his hand tightly. I leaned down to place my lips onto his as softly as I could. But every second I spent interlocked with him was just the more I wanted.

"We're gonna get out of here." He corrected as he pulled away to catch his breath and I still hadn't told him I was dying. And I didn't want him to know. Right now it's about him.

"Together." I held his hand tightly promising.
"I want to kiss you so much more but I'm scared I won't be able to stop." He softly said holding onto my face as he pulled my face in closer for a passionate kiss.

"If you want I can authorise a room without windows?" I smirked and he knew exactly what that meant.

"You really think that's gonna happen?" He asked not believing me and I raised my brow at him.
"You'd be surprised what I can authorise."

"I just want you right now. I don't care about anyone. I thought they would've definitely killed you after you came out to see me unauthorised." He said as he placed his hands back around me trying to assure himself thst I was actually here.

"You Look Like shit." I mumbled as i traced out the dark circles in his face.
"For someone who isn't being tortured you look worse. Your starting to fade a little." He observed placing his thumb against my lips which were losing colour.

"Minho how much are they hurting you?" I asked and he shrugged acting as if it was nothing.
"I can take it."

"No, you don't deserve to. Just pass your pain to me, I can take it." I shook my head tearing up a little. I don't want him to go through this. Just make it stop.

"Hey, hey Hope Look at me. Look at me." He placed his hands on my shoulders as he maintained his smile. "I'm right here. I can take it."

"I really fucking love you. Okay? I'm gonna save you from this."


I ran up to the masked man and he removed his mask to look down at me and he had been walking away for his lunch break.

I needed his help. But most of all I just needed him.
"Hey kid. Heard you got to see him." He told me and I nodded along.

"Yeah lovely reunion, lots of kisses and stuff  look i need your help." I rushed through my words.

Hope ➳Minho{2}Where stories live. Discover now