You can stop running

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"Minho! Minho!"

I called out trying to search for them through the streets.
"Hope. Hey hey I'm here." I saw Minho stand up the moment my voice was heard and I wrapped myself in his letting myself go in his arms.
It gets harder every time to let him go.

"How'd you get out?" Gally looked over at me and it was pretty much easy for me to get out.

"Walked out the door, how about you guys?" I looked to see Newt and Thomas sat against these plant stands managing to cover themselves.
"Jumped through a bloody window." Newt told me and I had my eyes widened staring at them all.

"Good to know." I cleared my throat trying to not act shocked.

I glanced back in Minhos eyes and everytime i had my face lit up everytime. But my body, yeah I could feel myself getting weaker.

To the point where I stumble back not being to hold myself up.

"Hey, hey I got you." Minho kept me balanced and I shut my eyes for a second.

"You good? What was that?" Minho asked and he placed his thumb underneath my eyes pointing out the paleness of my face.

"Don't worry, I'm okay." I assured him as I looked over Newt coughing. I walked over to him and I got on my knees looking at him so Mihno wouldn't convert the whole situation on to me.

"You feel just as crap as me?" Newt asked and I nodded. "Yeah but I can hide mine."

"You still got my pendant?" I raised my eye at him asking  and he pulled out my pendant from under his shirt showing it to me. "Kept it safe for you."

"Keep it there blondie, your gonna make it out okay?" I told him grabbing onto his hand.
I can't hide my pain for him or my physical pain. I feel like my heart is being ripped apart.

I can't even run without wanting to face plant.

"And you?" He asked and I looked over at Minho who occasionally glanced at the two of us trying to figure out what was going on.

"I'm gonna hang on as much as I can."

"You have to tell him."

"Hey we need to go." Thomas told the pair of us and I nodded, perfect way to end the conversation, I stood up but my legs decided not to work falling a little.

"Hope! Hey what the hell is going going on?" Minho asked as he took ahold of me. "I-im good." My breath intakes we're starting to get shorter.

"Hope why are you lying to me?"
"Guys we gotta go." Gally said standing up trying to cut Mihno of and he lifted me back up on my feet as he stared at me in concern.

"I'm okay." I muttered pressing my lips against his and I forced him to go help Thomas with Newt.

Newt had rested himself on both Minho and Thomas as Gally stood by my side.
"He's gonna hate us if you don't tell him."

"I know, hey listen, there's something I need to do." I whispered to Gally and he looked at me confused. "What?"

"I need to go back in there." I told him and he stopped for a second. "What!" He whisper yelled.
"I need to say goodbye Gally."

"No, no I'm not letting you-"
"Gally when I go you have to make sure Minho doesn't run after me. You have to-"

"No green bean. No, this wasn't the plan."
He argued with me as he tried to keep his voice low making sure no one would here.

"Hey, its fine it's just something I have to do. And don't you dare make me waste my energy on crying." I muttered to him and we all stopped for a second hearing something from a distance.

Hope ➳Minho{2}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora