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"God you get uglier."
I took of my helmet revealing my face to Minho and he smiled whilst wrapping his arms around me.

"You can't say much. I'd rather you keep the helmet on." Minho commented and I couldn't help but laugh.

I sunk in his arms so comfortable, feeling like it was home. "A month is too long." I mumbled into his chest sinking in.

"Tell me about it, I can't annoy anyone else." Minho sunk his head on mine and I could tell he was smiling just by his comment. We both melted into each other in a weird way.

"Can we just stay like this?" I asked him not ever wanting to let go.  God everytime I was with him I would be so comfortable but my stomach would flip a thousand times.

"I'm not moving any time soon." He chuckled and I raised my head to look up at him and he looked down at me planting his lips gently on mine savouring the affection.

"I hate you." I breathed against his lips and he smiled back down at me. "I hate you more." He said before passionately kissing me.

The feeling of love with him slowly returned, being able to feel his physical touch made me love him more than I ever did.

I felt him slowly lift my shirt trying to see if my bullet wound had healed. He traced his fingers over the scar still trying to heal.

"It's kinda hot." Minho commented and I smiled tracing over the scars and bruises on his face. "So is this."

We both finally sat ourselves down holding eachother as he slowly stoked my hair with one hand and I stroked his palm with my fingers.

"I don't want to go." I muttered as I intertwined our fingers and he nodded kissing my head. "I know." He whispered.

We never had found a comfort. It was always passionate, it was rushed,  but I felt like I could stay here for an eternity.

I wanted to fall asleep. My eyes were starting to fall, I love him the way I never would've thought I could love. He makes me want to love. He makes me want to live.

I set my eyes slowly pondering, which turned into daydreaming, which turned into a sleep.

Until it was immediately interrupted by the door being knocked on.
"Times up kid." Luke walked in with a sympathetic smile and I rubbed my eyes taking account in what just happened.

"No, no I went sleep for two minuites." I argued shaking my head and it looked like Minho had just woken up to.

"Actually, it was thirty." Luke corrected and I looked at the time realising as I groaned and Minho let out a light chuckle.

"Until next month." Minho smiled down at me placing a small kiss on my lips and I pulled him back wanting it to last longer.

"I hate you." I whispered once more against his lips.
"I hate you more." He breathed back.

"Wicked have him." Gally gripped me against the wall shoving me harshly and I groaned hurt. Okay at least be a little more gentle.

I'm weak feeble and sick!

"Ow." I said scrunching my face in pain.
"Why the fuck-" I already knew his question.
"I couldn't! Plus wicked don't have him, not right now, he's far away from us. He's been on the train for months. They're transporting him to different stations. Everyone thinks I'm dead! I didn't want him to think I was. Look Gally I'm sorry-"

I was cut of as I felt weak my legs slowly giving up but Gally immediately caught me. "Woah, stay with me green bean." He clutched onto me as tightly as possible.

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