Dress up

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She held your hand so gently, her touch feather-light and just as soft. And as comforting as it was probably meant to be, you thought to yourself that you preferred it when she was cutting you. True, it hurt, but in some ways it felt almost safer. During those times she spoke just as sweetly to you, insisted she loved you just as much as she did during times like this, but then you weren't constantly on edge, trying to brace yourself for the next moment when she wanted to see you bleed. With Toga, love always came back to blood.

Still, as she held your hand in one of hers, with her thumb holding it down so you wouldn't fidget, you could recognize the skilled and almost delicate movements of her other hand, the one she was using to paint your nails with. Humming distractedly, Toga's tongue was sticking out of her mouth a bit, betraying just how much she was concentrating on the task before her. Looking at her now, it seemed impossible that she had ever hurt anyone, that she was anything other than the bubbly teen she appeared to be. But if there was one thing you had learned with Toga, it was that appearances were deceiving.

"There!" she squealed suddenly, smiling widely at you. "You're all done!"

Avoiding her eyes, you brought your hands up to your face, curious in spite of yourself what color she had chosen. It was a nice color, you admitted begrudgingly to yourself, a nice creamy pink that wasn't too light that it made your hands look washed-out. Toga had done a very neat job too, there weren't any smudges or even any drops on your skin, and from what you remembered she hadn't paused to clean up any mistakes. When she had come to you earlier, hands full of various little bottles, you told her that if she wanted your nails painted so badly, you could do it yourself, but she had insisted that she could do a better job. And though you didn't want to give it to her, she had been right.

"See, now we match!" Toga said joyfully, eagerly shoving her hand in your face.

Looking closely at her nails, you saw that she was right; Toga had painted your nails the exact same shade of pink that adorned her own nails. Pursing your lips ever so slightly, you felt uncomfortable at the gesture, the way she had decorated you to match her, almost as if you were an accessory. If this was anything approaching a healthy, consensual relationship, you probably would have found it cute, but in these circumstances it only served to highlight the power she had over you. Toga didn't see things that way, though. She simply saw you as the perfect girlfriend, even though you could be a bit difficult at times. But that was okay, she always told you, you were just nervous! Who wouldn't be nervous around their soulmate at first! She certainly had been, all blushes and nervous glances, even if she hadn't exactly been wearing her own face then.

"Careful!" Toga giggled, pulling your hands apart quickly. ""They're still drying!" You blinked hard, having been so deep in your thoughts that you hadn't even noticed that you had started to fidget with your hands.

"Sorry, I didn't notice," you whispered.

"Aw, it's okay sweetie!" she grinned back at you, her sharp teeth making an appearance as she did so. As she leaned forward, you fought the temptation to move backwards, knowing that it would be useless. Toga placed her lips against your forehead, softly at first, then much more firmly. When her lips left your skin, the spot that they had touched still felt warm.

"Now, come on!" she said cheerfully, pulling you up by your wrists and bringing you towards the vanity of the bedroom she insisted the two of you share. "It's time to do your makeup!"

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