☆.。. haruhyuk

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a brief note before you start reading - this one-shot is set in the web drama "the mysterious class" ( 남고괴담 ) reality. it means, jaehyuk isn't himself, as well as haruto - they are the characters they play in the web drama. also the scene described in this one-shot appeared to me after watching the two already released episodes, so if anything changes in the web drama, it will have no impact on the story given below. thank u for paying attention to this note, nevertheless, i hope you will enjoy reading ! //

haruto turns out to be the ghost

haruto glances down as he feels too weak to fight back. yedam's burning gaze has been bothering him unbearably for long enough. he knew that more people around him throw accusations and cast spiteful looks towards his figure. even junkyu the one he had trusted that would never leave his side, moved away with his chair as if haruto jeopardized him.

the pale-looking boy put so much effort to be like them, like a normal young person. he attended classes, ate meals in the canteen, chatted merrily with his classmates, he wore what was obligatory in this institution, he tried to absorb the surroundings so that there was no difference between him and human teenagers.

no one has even noticed, no one could tell how much he had to survive. sitting close to the window caused his skin to get itchy since sunlight troubled him, eating food whilst having no need of it ended up in vomiting in the gents, not to mention how once he ate so many red beans that his whole mouth was in flames. everything just to prove that he isn't different, that there is no reason for others to alienate him, treat him unkindly, or be afraid of his singularity.

"answer me haruto! are you the ghost?" yedam's voice trembled as he demanded with fury.

he was the one who stood up first and got closer to the boy sitting in a chair, innocently, with no awareness of what will happen. yedam discovered first, knew first, and recognized the differences haruto tried to hide for such a long and exhausting amount of time.

the other boy shivered. he was the abnormal here, he was the one with enough power to make them all suffer within seconds, and yet no one was afraid of him - he was the one trembling with fear, out of misery.

at this moment haruto felt someone dragging him up. puzzled, he lifted his gaze just to catch a glimpse of jaehyuk's stern expression. a second after, not bothering to excuse himself, he dashed out of the classroom, pulling the other after him. haruto assumed that all of the people left inside were quite taken aback, and it hindered them from starting the chase after the two.

the roommates exited the school building, ran across the field, left the school premises. jaehyuk was silently, a little harshly dragging the other with no sense of direction. he just knew he had to save haruto, he had to rescue him from the judging looks, unreasonable accusations, and unbelievable hatred.


haruto whisper-yelled but this instead of stopping the other, made him accelerate the pace. the younger looked at their hands, locked in a tight hold. haruto skin's usually marble shade reddened, jaehyuk's knuckles were all white because of the continuous strain.

"yoon jaehyuk...!"

another try went in vain as well, haruto whimpered in displeasure as the embrace seemed to crash his wrist.

"jaehyuk!" he shouted, finally freeing himself through a rash motion of pulling out his hand out of the other's.

he stood at the spot, two of them panting, desperately catching a breath.

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