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    Carter stirred awake, he only faintly remembered what happened last night. A pleasant song hung in the air, gliding around the room. He felt a blanket on top of him, he remembered he was outside and in Tolveck's shirt, but this was different. His head was rested on a pillow, which was on a bed, which was in Haley's apartment... How the hell did he get here! 

    "Morning Carter, sleep well?" Haley asked, she sat at her desk. Papers were scattered on the desk, the music coming from her phone. Carter suddenly took notice that Haley was there. She handed him a croissant, he took it and began nibbling on it.

   "How did I get here?" Carter asked. Haley shrugged.

    "Tolveck thought it would have been a nice idea to let you sleep here last night. I agreed and Banda-bing badda-boom, you're here." Haley smiled as Carter  began to make sense of things. He quickly finished his croissant and nearly went to the door, the only thing stopping him was a wave of vertigo washing over him. He sat down and let it pass. The song from before replaying.

    He held his head as it spun. Haley looked at him odd, she didn't know what was going on. Carter focused on the rhythm of the song. It sounds familiar... Carter recognised notes of it from years back. He hummed to the rhythm.

    Eventually his world came to a stop and he slowly got up from the bed, and then he left. The song stuck into his head. Haley followed him into the living room, where Carter stood frozen. He hadn't realised Haley's roomates were still there. Their gazes swapped between the two. One of them, Stacy,  she had blonde medium hair with petite features, spoke up.

    "Haley, you have a boyfriend and it isn't that other Russian dude! Why didn't you tell me! Omg how long have you been together!?" She exclaimed, her voice was demanding, it spooked Carter a bit. Another girl, boy? He couldn't make it out, but they looked as if they were trying their best to stay out of it. Carter remember meeting them once, Johnathan he thought, or was it Joanna? 

    "Julian, can you come with us, um, shopping?" Haley poked out from behind Carter. They looked up, surprised that she wanted something to do with them. Julian was a DND player, a dungeon master to be exact, they knew everything about every class, weapon, item, you name it, he was also a experiment filer in the labs they worked in. They timidly got out from where they laid and got up, heading for the door. Julians short pixie cut fluffed due to the static electricity in them. Their light brown eyes focused on the task ahead, they wore a light grey guy shirt with a pair of baggy sweatpants. Carter was taken back when Haley began shoving him towards the door. He accepted his fate and followed Julian to the door.

    They hopped into the car, Julian driving, Carter in the back, and Haley in the passenger. Haley began playing a song from her phone, the same one as before. They took off as Haley gave them directions to the farm. It was a long journey.


    Tolveck got a little worried when he woke up, Carter wasn't there and he was still... as tall as another realm. The song that Haley and him sang got stuck in his head. He remembered that he had dropped Carter and Haley off at her apartment, he went home, closed the garage door, and fell asleep. 

    He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a car pull up, and the ignition switch off. He pinned himself to a wall, or as much as he could, and watched as Carter stepped inside. He relaxed at seeing Carter make his way over to him. Carter looked a tad bit worried in Tolveck's opinion. His brows were slightly furrowed and he was lightly snapping his fingers, a habit he had when he was anxious or worried. The rhythmic snaps calmed the people around him, was it a strategic tactic? Tolveck's mind wandered from this question.

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