Chapter Seven

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7. Too Far Gone

'The tenderness of love requires to be kindled by intervals of absence.'
-Samuel Johnson

'-Samuel Johnson

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Scalding hot warmth flooded her face the moment his hand connected with it. The sharp sting of the slap felt like thousands of tiny needles poking into her sensitive skin. She touched the back of her palm to her cheek, then brought it down to wipe her lips. She kept her gaze at the large steel-toe boots in front of her. He leaned in close, his hot breath reeking of cigarettes, coffee, and god knows what else. She merely gazed at his boots, saying nothing.

He smirked and grabbed her by the shoulder, shoving her towards the kitchen with a firm pat on her ass.

"Try again, sugar," he sneered.

  THE sound of birds harmonizing with each other brought her few short hours of restless sleep to a screeching halt. The sun was beginning to peak it's head over the horizon, and she stretched and nudged Veronica's leg with her foot.

  "Get up," she murmured. "We need to get moving."

  Glenn and Abraham were already up and chomping at the bit like rabid dogs. Tara stood just behind Glenn as a puppy would follow it's owner, waiting to see his next move.

Zepp was still unsure of the girl. Yes, she admired her undying loyalty to Glenn, but was it really loyalty? Or was it guilt?

  When Tara smiled at him, she wondered if it was another emotion entirely.

  Veronica tossed a rock in her direction, forcing Zepp to break her gaze from Tara to look down at her.

  "Hey," she laughed. "You see something you like over there?" Veronica's voice was only half amused as she nervously glanced back at the others.

  Zepp scrunched her nose and adjusted the pack on her shoulder. "No. Definitely not," she affirmed.

  She couldn't help the grin that spread over her face. Veronica's entire aura radiated joy and sunshine, it made it too hard not to smile around her.

  Veronica beamed back, standing to throw her backpack on and wrap an arm through Zepp's in two smooth motions.

  "Let's get moving then," she whispered with a wink.

  "I'll bet this bitch got you all messed up, hmm?" The man sneered. "Am I right? Got you walking around here like a dead man who just lost himself a piece of tail. Must a been a good 'un."

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