Chapter Ten

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10. As it Was

'I ache for something I've never had,
Some sense of belonging, or open arms'
- e.h. downing


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  The group spent the rest of the day trekking through the forest, Abraham practically skipping after Rick agreed to bring everyone along to D.C.

  Even Zeppelin couldn't hide the cheeriness radiating from her when Rick told her they wouldn't be separating again.

  Daryl, however, was more quiet than she'd remembered him ever being. He stayed in the back of the group, scanning the area with his bow raised at all times, only replying to Carol with an occasional grunt.

  When they first started their trip, she was happy to give him space, focusing her attention on Carl while Veronica ambled next to her with baby Judith in her arms.

  But the longer the day went on, the more Daryl's silence just made her angrier. He hadn't breathed a single word to her since they were all reunited, though their eyes wandered towards each other often enough to make her blush on more than one occasion.

  Is he angry with me? Does he hate me for leaving?

  Why does he keep looking at me?

  Zepp's thoughts swirled together as the chatter of the group faded to a light buzz. Carl laughed at something Abraham said, and the sound snapped her attention back into focus. She smiled, and thought she saw Rick do the same.

  A few hours later, when the sun dipped into the horizon, they stopped to catch their breath and collect more water, and Zepp had made up her mind to confront Daryl.

  He had wandered off alone towards a creek, dropping at his knees to scoop the cool, rippling liquid into his flask. Zepp slowly followed the path to the water, stopping a few feet behind him.

  He looked so... at home in the forest. The bow that never left his side, the strong muscles and powerful hands, everything the calm, calculating presence of a predator.

  She cleared her throat, expecting him to flinch af her sudden appearance. He simply twisted to face her, as if he felt her there the whole time.

  Zeppelin crossed her arms, taking two steps closer to him. "The hell is your problem?" The words had dropped out of her tight lips before she could think twice.

  Daryl narrowed his burning gaze, wiping his hands on jeans and scrunching his face in annoyance. "Don't have one."

  Short, to the point.


  She dropped her arms, subconsciously taking another step closer. "Bullshit," she muttered. "You haven't said a single word to me since our groups got back together. What did I do?"

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