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Saturday rolled around and I was working. I was assigned to show some new interns around till Gwen got there. She was tutoring a student, so she would arrive later. Gwen also worked at Oscrop, but was Dr. Connors' head intern. I had been an intern with another doctor and was now working for him, not only as an intern but with a wage. He was studying electrical technology whilst Connor worked on cross-species genetics. "Welcome to Oscorp. My name is Cove Porter, student at Midtown Science and I work here part-time as a research officer. I'll be with you for the start of your visitation before Gwen Stacy shows up and takes over. For visitors there are three rules, don't disturb anyone, don't eat or drink anything and go where I go. If you lose me, well..."

"Look listen! Tell them that Rodrigo Guevara is here!" a guy shouted as security took him outside.

"That will happen," I said. "Let's go."

I led them to Dr. Connor, since he was the one hosting the internship. "Welcome, my name is Doctor Curtis Connors..." and he introduced himself. He talked about how he wanted to create a world without weakness, and asked the group how he could do that.

"Stem cells?" one boy asked.

"Promising, but the solution I'm thinking of is more... radical." Connors looked over the group. "No one?" he asked.

"Cross-species genetics," someone said from the back. I knew that voice. It was Peter Parker. I hadn't seen his name on my list. "People get parkinsons when the brain cells that produce dopamine start to disappear. But zebra fish have the ability to regenerate cells on command. If you could somehow give this ability to the woman you are talking about, that's that and she's curing herself." The doctor looked proud.

"Yeah you just have to look past the gills on her neck," someone said, and the group laughed. But the doctor hushed on them. "And you are?" he asked.

I saw that he was in a tricky situation, so I decided to help. "He is one of Midtown's best and brightest," I said. "Second in his class actually."

"Second?" Peter asked. I nodded.


"You sure about that?"

"I'm pretty sure, yeah. Maybe even third.''

Doctor Connors got a page, and had to leave. "Would you all like to gather around," I said and opened the file I was told to show, the tree of life. A woman started talking, and I saw my window. Peter was trying to leave. "Parker," I said. "Hi."

He turned around. "Hey," he said, hands in his pockets.

"What are you doing here? Rodrigo?" I mocked.

"I work here, I don't work here. I was going to say I work here but it seems like you do so you know I don't work here."

"You snuck in?"

"Yes, but-"

"Why?" I asked. He looked to the ground, didn't know what to say.

"I just... I love science," he ended up saying, but I knew he was lying.

"Cove! I am here and ready," Gwen came running up to us. She took over the group, finally. I was never one to deal with tours and talking to that many people to be honest.

"Peter, why are you here? Answer honestly."

"I wanted to see Doctor Conners, he's a real inspiration of mine."

"Fine, go back to the group and don't get Gwen into any trouble," I said, but I had to hurry off to Doctor Thompson.


Later I ran into him again, but he was far away from the group. "You badge," I said and reached my hand out.

"Sorry," he mumbled as he gave it to me. "Ouch," he exclaimed and reached for his neck.

"What?" I asked.

"I think I just got bitten," he said.

"Drama-queen," I joked and started to walk away. "See you at school Guevara!" I waved at him before he was eventually out of my sight.

Out of my league 🕷️ SpidermanDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora