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I ran up to my room and changed clothes. Peter would be there any minute, and I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. My black skirt didn't match with my blue sweater at all, but it was all I managed to pull together before someone knocked on my window. I jumped, but opened the window to see Peter sitting there, smiling at me. "Peter! You scared me half to death," I said as he walked in. "Why didn't you just take the elevator?"

"It's faster to... you know... swing," he opened his bag. "I brought your mother some-" he said and pulled out a bouquet of flowers, but they were already ruined. "some flowers," he laughed softly.

"They're real nice," I laughed. "Very beautiful."

"They were really nice," he smiled. "I'll just, keep them."

"Do you have your suit in there?" I asked. He shook his head no and lifted his shirt to reveal the Spiderman-suit. "I meant your suit. Are you wearing that to dinner?" I asked, but before he could answer someone opened the door.

"Dinner is ready," my dad said, but he seemed surprised to see Peter there. "Oh, you must be Peter," he said and held his hand out. Peter shook it and smiled. "Yes, very nice to meet you sir."

"Nice to meet you too," he said, but I saw that he looked at his outfit. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt with a long-sleeved sweater under and a leather jacket. My dad wore his navy blue suit he had gotten for Christmas. 

He walked out after a couple of moments, and Peter turned to me and smiled apologeticly. "Peter, there is actually one thing I have to talk to you about," I said, but there was no time because he had already begun to walk out the door.

"We'll talk later, your father said dinner was ready," Peter smirked. I rolled my eyes, but followed him downstairs. 

"Mom, have you caught that Spiderman yet?" my brother asked after a long awkward silence. 

"No, he's actually assaulting civilians. And he's clumsy and leaves clues, not long until we catch him," my mother said. I eyed Peter, trying to get him not to say anything, but I knew him. I knew he was going to say something. 

"He's assaulting civilians?" Peter asked my mother. "I'm not sure, I mean... I saw that video with him and the car thief, and I think most people would say that he was... providing a public service."

"Most people would be wrong. If I wanted the car thief off the street, he would be off the street."

"So why wasn't he then?" Peter asked, and I kicked him under the table. Arguing with my mother  would never end well, I had learnt that already. Mom looked at me with a why-would-you-ever-bring-this-guy-home look. 

"Let me illuminate you. See, the car thief was leading us to the people who run the operation. It's a six month-long sting, it's called strategy. I'm sure you've heard of that in school, so I'm sure you're familiar with the term," my mother said, pointing out that Peter was still in school and that he didn't know better than her. "Yeah," Peter mumbled. I looked over at my dad, he was eating like nothing was even happening. My sister was confused and my brother looked as he was about to burst with laughter. 

"Obviously he didn't know that you had a plan," Peter said, and I cringed because I would like him to keep his mouth shut. 

"You seem to know a lot about this case. Do you know something that we don't? I mean who's side are you on here?"

"I'm not on anyone's side, I just saw the video-"

"Oh, he saw the video everyone. Then the case is closed." My mother smirked, amused. She was proud of herself for arguing with a seventeen year old boy, and it disgusted me. I wished I could wipe that smirk of her face.

"No if you just saw the video, maybe I can send you a link? It looks like- it looks like he is trying to help."

"Yeah sure on the internet he's being made out to look a hero."

"No no no, I'm not saying he's a hero, just that he's trying to help. It looks like he is trying to do something maybe the police can't!" 

"Something the police can't? What do you think we do? Sit around eating doughnuts with our thumbs planted up our asses?" 

"I think he stands for what you stand for m'am. Protecting innocents from criminals."

"I stand for law and order son, that's what I stand for. He's out there hunting down criminals that all look the same like he has some type of personal vendetta. But he is not protecting innocent people Mister Parker." Peter went quiet, like something she said was right.

"Mom he is. You know when I was late the other night? He had actually saved me from two guys robbing me," I said, wanting to change the tone of the conversation. My mom looked up from her food, suprised. "Peter I think we should get some air," I said and got up. It took a couple moments, but he eventually got up as well. 

"I'm if I offended you, it was not my intention," Peter said. "Thank you for having me." 

We got up on the rooftop and I wanted to tell him about what I heard at Oscorp. "I have something to tell you," I said. 

"Let me go first please," Peter said. I nodded. "Your mother doesn't like me that much I assume." I let out a soft laugh. "but I-" he started, but turned around and ruffled his hand through his hair. "I just need to say it."

"What is it?" 

"I just- I mean I-" Peter started, but he couldn't finish. I turned in disappointment after a while of him stuttering. I thought he was going to say he liked me, but it didn't seem like it. "Cove, I really like you," Peter said and grabbed my hand. He moved me closer in one rapid movement and kissed me. 

We stood like that for a while, before my sister interrupted us. "Mom wants you to come back downstairs," she said and walked back inside.

"She's really cute," Peter said, meaning my sister.

"Yeah, she gets annoying after a couple years," I said moving towards the door. "Are you coming?" I asked, but when I turned around he was gone. 

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