Human Trials

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He got me home that night, and I couldn't wait for it to be eight pm so he would come to my house for dinner, but I had to go to Oscorp. Doctor James wasn't there that day, but there was plenty to do without him. 

I was nearly falling asleep by six, just waiting to go home. I picked on a scab till it started bleeding. There were paper-towels down the hall, so I was about to go get them when I heard someone talking. It was late and everyone else had gone home, so I wondered who it was. Looking out to the other offices, I saw Doctor Conners with a man. 

"Cross-species genetics is finally working. I've used lizards DNA to help Freddy regrow that limb," Conners said, referring to the rat with only one leg. "It's a miracle," the other man said. He was darker skinned and had dark hair. He looked around thirty years old. 

"No, it's hard work and promise," Connors said. "It's a step closer to the primate lab."

"No he doesn't have time for every little step," the man said. Who was he?


"I just mean he can't wait," the man said with an emotionless tone. 

"Well he'll have to. Unless he wants to be a lab rat."

"You have to start human trials, if not he is going to die," the other man said and picked something up. It was a blue liquid. 

"People die, even Norman Osborn." Was Norman Osborn dying? Connors picked up his files and started to walk towards to door, I had to hide not to be seen. "We are not finished."

"Human trials? Where are you going to find the volunteers?"

"As far as anyone is concerned, it is for a flu shot. I might think that Veterans Hospital is a good place to start," the man said. 

"You gotta be kidding me," Doctor Conners said, and tried to walk past him, but he grabbed his arm. 

"I don't think I am. It's a little late for shock and indignation. About 15 years too late." The man picked on Connors' lab coat. 

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Richard Parker wore it well, on you it's a cheap suit, as it was then."

"I had nothing to do with that," Doctor Connors said, but I had no idea what they were talking about. Human trials? For what? That blue liquid? 

"Is that what you told his son, Peter?" the man said, and my eyes shot wide open. I tried moving closer to hear them better. Richard Parker was Peter's dad. 

"I don't know what you are saying," the doctor said, but with a guilty look on his face. 

"You don't know, or you don't wanna know? I'll remind you what happened. Richard Parker said just about the same thing that you are saying now. The clock is ticking Dr. Connors."

"I... I won't do it."

"Fine, the formula is our's now anyways. Say goodbye to that arm you've dreamed of. I'm shutting you down. Have your office cleaned out by the morning. Your toys can be taken away too, you know," the man said and he left. I hid until I saw that Dr. Connors was looking another way, and I took the other door to get out.

I ran home, hoping Peter would have a better explanation than what I was coming up with myself, which was nearly nothing because I didn't know what happened to Richard. 

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