Meeting Joe

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Lydia's POV

"Elle!" I whispered.

"What is it?" she asked.

"That's Joe Alfie and Zoe over there!" I let out a squeal realizing this was actually happening.

"No it isn't. They wouldn't come to this part of London." But I wouldn't believe her, it was them. Alfie even had his vlogging camera in hand.

"It is. I know it is and I'm going over there to prove it." I said

"Lydia no!" Elle said, but it was too late I had already stood up.

I slowly walked over to where they had been seated. What. Have. I. Done. I think to myself and take a deep breath. "Um... Hi I'm Lydia! I don't mean to bother you but I'm a huge fan and just thought I'd say hi." I say giving a sheepish smile, my face growing hot and I mentally face palm.

"Oh it's not a bother at all!" Joe said extending his hand. "My name is Joe, Joe Sugg." he said giving me a warm smile. I smiled and gave a tiny, nervous laugh.

"Um, yeah, I know  I watch your channel." He looked embarassed, oh no I didn't mean to embarass him.

"Oh right well thats, good." He says nodding and he sits down, looking away.

Alfie gives Zoe a look and they are both trying not to laugh. Poor Joe.  But he scooched over to make room for me anyway and I sat down and began chatting with them and laughing for a while and talking about what a big fan I am.

Alfie stands up. "Well, let's take a picture then!"

"Sounds great!" I say glad to see Joe looks a little more relieved.

"Yeah good idea Alf." Joe responds. So, I got a picture with each one of them. First with Alfie and we just took a nice photo, then with Zoe where we made silly faces at the camera. And finally for my picture with Joe. He put his arm around me and I jumped a little. "Sorry is this too uncomfortable for you?" Joe asked almost disappointed. I smiled up at him.

"No I think its perfect." He smiled back.

Zoe giggled and Alfie smirked but right as the picture was taken I felt Joe's lips hit my cheek and my smile grew. I could tell my cheeks were bright red but how could you blame me? When I saw the picture it was perfect and Joe had great timing. "Thank you!" I said, still looking at Joe.

"No problem!" said Zoe.

"Hey, would you like to be in my vlog?" Alfie asked

"Would I!" I said/yelled excitedly.

So Alfie pulled out his camera and turned it on. "Goooood Morning guys!" He started off, "So we just headed into town to get some breakfast and look who we met!" he pointed it towards me.

"Alfie you do know it's 1:00 right now." I said accusingly , laughing. Joe laughed too but, maybe a little too hard and Zoe gave him a weird look. "But anyways, my name's Lydia and aren't you jealous I mean Joe got to meet me, the one and only Lydia." They all laughed at this and Joe began fanning me.

After Alfie had ended his blog for the moment and I had brought my food over to their table I just was chatting away with them. Mostly Joe but Zoe and Alfie too. "Well it was nice meeting you, but we have to go before Nala gets too fussy." Alfie said

"Nice meeting you too!" I replied and I got up to let Joe leave but he just stood next to me and said,

"Well since we've kissed, I mean, we're practically married so, I might as well have your number?" he said scratching his neck and looking almost scared.

"Well I guess if we're married." I replied smiling, and I could see from his eyes a huge wave of relief had just rolled over him.

A/N: Hope you liked this chapter! I'll try and update every day! Love you all! <3

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