Back Together

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Lydia's POV

I'm overreacting. I know. My father hurt me, Joe was just telling the truth. But it still hurt that he made my dads death seem like something so great, because he's the only dad I've ever known as my own. And now he's gone. Out of this earth and on to some unknown place of the dead. But I can't give in. I won't. I can't let him think he can just apologize and it's all better.  I wish I could, I miss his lips against mine, the feeling that someone is there to support me. I miss having a boyfriend, having Joe. 

Out of nowhere I feel this need, this urge, to call someone, anyone. I pick up my phone and switch to my contacts. I scroll through them all, trying to find the right person. Hmm, Zoe? Would she side with Joe? She is his sister. I couldn't handle that, I need a friend, not another enemy. Besides, I wouldn't want to turn her on her brother either. I scroll up again, Lauren. We haven't talked in what seems like forever. She's always been so easy to talk to but, are we close enough? I'm not sure but I need to trust her. I'm over thinking, I always over think. So I click on her name and call her.

I wait for her to pick up and just listen to the the series of rings. Focusing all my attention on that, I try to figure things out myself. When Lauren picks up with an unsure, "Hello?" I'm startled and take a second to breathe.

"Hey Lauren, um can we talk?" I ask in a shaky voice, waiting for her reply. She hesitates and I start to doubt myself. I'm about to  backtrack when she talks again,

"Um I'm kind of busy right now but," I know what's coming next so I put on a fake happy tone and say,

"No! No, it's fine yeah we'll catch up later! Bye!" And before she can reply I hang up, and start to bawl. I can't help it, I need a friend and Elle is mad at me, Haley has some weird issues going on with Caspar to figure out, and Zoe, well Zoe I don't want to take a chance with. I think back to the days before Joe, before all this drama. When my friends were always available and always encouraging. Even if they were superficial and fake.

 Right now we'd eat ice cream and watch a sad movie so we'd all be crying and then stay up late watching funny youtube videos until we weren't sad anymore. I miss those days, now everything's so real and... hard. All I can think about is how much I want to be a little girl again, when it was okay to curl up in a ball and cry for your mother. My mother. I miss her so much! Back when everything was perfect. Nope! I have enough to think about, my mother is gone and that's that. Nothing to be done. Just like my dad. *Ring* *Ring* I dry my eyes and grab my phone. It's Lauren.

"Hello?" I try to sound confident and perky.

"Lydia, this is important, I can tell. What do you want to talk about?" She called back. I don't have to keep it in. But if I know how much she can help me, then why do I still feel so bad about the call.

"What about your plans?" I ask and breathe again.

"Lydia, it was just Dan, if you need me I'm all yours." Dan, her boyfriend. Something I don't have.

"Oh, you should-should spend time with him while you..." I bite my lip to stop the quivering. "While you still have him." At the last two words I lost it and heard Lauren fumbling around for what sounded like keys.

"Lydia I'm coming over, I'll be there soon don't worry, you're under control, whatever it is, you can get through this." I thank her and then hang up. 


Lauren's POV

I arrive at Lydia's house and give a loud knock. "I'll get it." I hear someone mumble. Most likely Joe. Great, I need to talk to him. He throws open the door and has a shocked look on his face but then he sees my bag containing two small cartons of ice cream and his face turns into pure guilt and pain as he realizes what they're for. Before he can speak I hold my hand up to stop him.

"Whatever you did is really upsetting Lydia and right now I'm her friend, not yours. You don't have to apologize to me, save it for her." I walked past him, trying to control myself from asking all the questions I have or from screaming since I'm not sure exactly what he did.

As I enter her room my mood changes into a softer tone and I no longer know how to act. I'm better at  being angry, sad, or happy, not compassionate. But I walk over to her and sit beside her and ask her what's wrong. I also hand her one carton of ice cream and a spoon. Ice cream always helps. At least that's what I'm told. 

"Thank you." She says to me, "This means a lot, especially from you." I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean exactly but decide to let it slide.

"You're welcome, now spill, if I'm going to help you I need to know what's wrong." She sighs and tells me her story. I can already tell that this is going to be a while.

When she's finished, I'm no longer angry at Joe, but angry at Lydia. Call me a bad friend, but this is stupid. "Lydia he apologized! He was trying to make you happy! Stop being so dramatic!" I'm not sure whether that was the right thing to say but it's what I was thinking.

"I know! I know, Lauren. I'm just angry and confused and-" she began to sob and again, I let my mind speak what it wants.

"Lydia you're being ridiculous, stop acting like a child. Geez, if I acted like this every time Dan upset me, we'd have been done a long time ago." I know this is wrong but she needs to know that she's lucky to have someone so patient with her like Joe. "Grow up." I mumble and walk out the door.

 Regret comes washing over me. I'm a terrible human being. How could I be so insensitive? My friend calls me for support and all I do is yell at her. Although I regret what I've said and wish I could take it back , all I want to do is go and talk some sense into her. Before I get the chance to turn around, I run through her front door and jump into my car. I turn the keys and see a tear slipping down my cheek, I hadn't noticed that before. I wipe it away and pick up my phone to type : I love you. I cant help it, if this is what I act like ,then I want Dan to know how much it means to me that he puts up with me everyday. Once I hit send I don't even wait for his reply and just start driving back home.

Lydia's POV:

Lauren's right. I'm angry at the wrong person. I let out a laugh as I realize how childish I must seem. How could I let something as little as this get in the way of Joe and I? I love Joe, and I'm lucky to have him. I realize that now.

I go to my mirror and wait until my face isn't so red and my tears have dried before walking out into the living room. Joe spots me and sits up straighter in his seat, looking hopeful. I love him so much. How could I be so stupid. 

I smile at him and his face instantly relaxes. "I'm sorry Joe, I was so stupid, and confused, and I promise to never act like that again." He stands up and walks over to me. He's smiling and it melts all my tenseness away. He's forgiven me.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, love." I smile up at him and feel his hands on my waist. 

"I love you Joe." I say and he leans his forehead onto mine, his cheeky smile never fading.

"Not more than I could ever love you." He whispers before kissing me, and as our lips lock I know that he's the one, and no one could ever replace him. I pull away from the kiss, our foreheads still touching as I say,

"I seriously doubt that." And I'm kissing him again. My arms wrapping around his neck. At this moment, I know with all my heart and soul that all my broken pieces, are being put back together.

A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while! I've finally updated and it's pretty long, but I don't think you guys will complain. I have a few ideas for the story and what's coming up but I'd really like to know anything you want to see happen to any of the characters or even new characters that I should add. Hope you guys liked it and ill see you next chapter! Love you all!

Question of the chapter- Are you guys excited for school/college coming up?

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