The Kiss

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Lydia's POV

I can't believe her, that little scum bag! Joe won't even tell me what she said, all I know is she followed us here and is trying to ruin my time with Joe. I won't let it happen. I finally meet someone who cares about me and I'm not letting jazmine come and snatch him up.

I couldn't concentrate on the rest of the movie because I was worrying so much. Every now and then Joe would see me thinking and would rub my arm and kiss my head while I leaned into him. I hope this isn't the last date because of Jazmine.


the movie let out and we walked towards the door. "Now will you tell me?" I asked Joe who then sighed and pulled me over where Zoe and Alfie couldn't hear. Joe pulled me into a hug, it was amazing his big strong arms wrapped around me and then he whispered,

"Don't worry about it, all she told me was that you are a stalker who will just go out with me and then leave me, but I know that's not true so don't worry." I can't believe she told him that, what a great friend. I mean that's probably a youtubers worst fear to 1. Meet their stalker and 2. Getting tricked into dating them.

"I can't believe her." I said thinking only I could hear but then Joe kissed the top of my head again and said,

"It's ok Lydia." He then let go of me and brought me over to where Zalfie was standing waiting for us. We left and hopped into the car. The plan was that Zoe would drop Joe and I off at his house, he would go in and I would walk the short walk to my house because Zoe and Alfie had to catch a train home. The only problem was that there was a thunder storm outside. I hate storms, I have since I was a kid. I shivered and Joe looked over to me.

"You aren't walking home in that, I won't let you." He said rubbing my back.

"How else would I get back?" I asked and he thought for a second.

"You'll stay with me, Caspar won't mind besides, you can have my bed I'll take the couch." I thought about this for a minute and decided I should stay at his place but I would have the couch.

"Well thank you but I can't take your room from you I'll be fine on the couch." He gave me a look like we'll talk about this later and sat back in his seat.

Finally we got back home after talking some more and Joe and I hopped out of the car. "Bye sis! Bye Alf, take care of her!" Joe said to Zoe and Alfie. Alfie laughed.

"I always do." He said looking at Zoe, they are so cute. "Bye Lydia it was nice meeting you!" he said to me.

"Bye Alfie, bye Zoe!" I said to them waving as they drove off. Then Joe and I began to walk up the steps to get inside. Once we were in I was introduced to Caspar and we had a seat on the couch to watch some TV and just chat. 

"So," Casper asked, "how did a girl like you end up with a rat like Joe?" I looked to Joe who was rolling his eyes, grabbed his hand and said to Caspar,

"I only said yes to get closer to you." he laughed and Joe pretended to cry which made me laugh. After a while it was time to go to sleep. I tried to convince Joe to let me take the couch but he refused and made me go to his room while he slept on the couch.

"Goodnight Lydia," he said as I started towards his room. I stopped, turned around and he walked towards me, "we should do it again sometime." I nodded and gave him a big smile.

"That would be great!" Just then there was another crack of lightning and loud thunder. I shivered and he ran over to me grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I laughed softly and gave him a fake, but warm smile.

"Absolutely!" he nodded his head, smiled and walked off towards the couch. "Goodnight Joe." I whispered and climbed into his bed.

Later around two in the morning I woke up with one of my usual nightmares about when my mother left me which meant I was crying, out of breath, and shaky. I began to calm down, remembering where I was when Joe ran in sounding kind of out of breath too. "Is everything alright?" he asked looking worried.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I just had a bit of a nightmare and I didn't mean to wake you up I just-" I stopped when he climbed in next to me to try and help me calm down. "Joseph Sugg we aren't even married!" I said slapping his arm and I sat up. He began to laugh then kissed my cheek and said,

"We practically are." Which made me laugh remembering this from earlier. I looked over at him still smiling and realized that he still didn't know my age. I'm not sure why it came up now but it had really disturbed me earlier that he didn't know and I was worried he'd be upset once he knew. 

"Oh Joe by the way I'm 18 I turn 19 next week actually." his smile kind of faded but was still there. Oh-no was I too young?

"Lydia I told you I didn't care, you didn't have to tell me." I nodded and slumped back a little. He took my hand and started playing with it. "But, that's only about a 4 year difference which isn't that much." I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder staring at the hand that he is still playing with. Then he turned to me sitting criss-cross applesauce and looking like a little kid with his hair all messed up, "Lydia?" he asked.

"Yeah?" I replied, sitting like he was and looking into his eyes which were staring back into mine.

"I know we just met today and all but. I really think that," he gulped, looking from my lips to my eyes. I smiled letting him know to keep going. "that I love you." Did he really just say that? And to me!!! I can't believe it, wait he's leaning forward, his hand is on my cheek, I'm leaning forward too. are we about to kiss? These thoughts were running through my mind and before I knew it I felt his lips on mine.

They were warm and soft. The kiss wasn't long or deep at all but it was short and sweet which is what I was comfortable with right now. When it was over I smiled at him and said "Goodnight." laying back onto my pillow. He smiled back and also layed down. "Hey Joe?" I asked him.

"Yeah?" he replied sounding a bit sleepy.

"Will you sing to me?" I had always loved his singing and why not ask him while I've got the chance. He laughed and started singing in his Kermit the frog voice. I giggled, "No like actually sing." he thought for a minute.

"What would you like me to sing?" he asked putting his arm around me. I didn't even hesitate for a second.

"Thinking Out Loud?" I asked hopefully. It was my favorite song.

"Alright." He sighed kissing the top of my head. "When your legs don't work like they used to before, and I can't sweep you off of your feet, will your mouth still remember the taste of my love..." he continued on and that's how I fell asleep. Joe's arms wrapped around me, with him singing into my ear.


A/N: Hi guys!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'll be gone for the next few days but will still try to update! So, I'm going to need a name for a girl that may have something to do with Caspar soon so comment below telling your name if you'd like to be in the story! Or comment if you have any ideas for the future! Love you all!

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