Girls Day

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Lydia's POV

Joe walked out the door and I blew him a kiss but he had already left. Hmm... What was that he said? A girls day? Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I decided to invite Elle, Lauren, Zoe, and the girl that I met, Haley, over.

Once I've called them all up and given Haley my address I head over to my closet. I decide to wear a loose blue tank top with fringe at the bottom, a cream colored cardigan, short denim shorts, and pull my hair into a sided braid adding a flower headband. 

Next, my makeup. I put in fake eyelashes since I have the smallest eyelashes and the smallest eyes, then put on some nude eyeshadow with an ever so small cat eye using eyeliner. Finally, some blush and a marooney-purple lipstick.

I had just made myself some breakfast when there was a knock on the door. Zoe was here. She walked in and ran over to the table to hug me. "Hi! How are you? It's been lonely without you around." I laughed and smiled.

"I'm good, great actually but Zoe I saw you just yesterday was it?" She shrugged and sighed, shaking her head.

"A day is too long without you." She smiled again and got the same childish look in her eye that Joe sometimes has. "So what do you have planned for today?" I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"It's a surprise!" I said shrugging. She looked at me, sad, but I could tell she was curious too. I didn't really need it to be a huge surprise I just still wasn't 100% sure what we would do. 

Just then there was another knock on the door. In walked Lauren and Haley. I smiled and stood up, walking over to hug them. "Zoe this is Haley I met her in a shop yesterday." Zoe stood and walked over to her giving her a hug.

"It's nice to meet you Haley!" She exclaimed. "I like your hair by the way!" Haley blushed and her jaw dropped. I guess she was a fan of Zoe's. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't help but burst out laughing. Haley blushed a deep red and smiled.

"Thank you." She said, then turned to me giving me a friendly, but scary, death glare which just made me laugh harder.

They all sat around the television while I waited for Elle. I waited about 15 minutes before calling her. When she finally picked up I practically screamed into the phone, "Elle where the heck are you I've been waiting forever!" She sighed,

"Are Zoe and Lauren going to be there?" She asked.

"Yes..." I said in a hesitant voice, "my new friend Haley too." At the sound of her name she turned towards me to wave but her hand got stuck in her hair and she accidentally yanked her whole head to the right. Then mouthing the word 'Ow' and rubbing her head. I silently chuckled and then was pulled back to my phone when I heard Elle snap,

"What's so funny?!" I calmed myself down enough to explain.

"Nothing just something stupid that Haley did." I said winking at Haley who was listening and stuck her tongue out in return.

"That's what I thought." Elle sighed. "I can't come I'm sick." She forced a cough and hung up. What was wrong with her? 

I turned to the other girls and clapped my hands. "Looks like Elle can't make it, but we can still have loads of fun!"

We all piled into the car and I drove to the mall. We stopped by Starbucks and I got a vanilla bean cream frappuccino. We sang along to my favorite band, 5Seconds of Summer and although we sounded like dying geese, we had a great time.

***Later that night***

We'd just gotten back from an amazing day of shopping, mani-pedis, facials, and amazing food and were headed into the house to watch a movie. We were laughing at a joke Zoe made when we entered. Haley stopped and squealed, although, she was trying very hard to cover it up. I looked around worried but saw what she was looking at, Caspar an Joe on the couch, and burst out laughing. I forgot she was a fan.

Joe got up and walked over to me, massaging my shoulders and smiling at Haley. "And who are you?" He asked in a friendly manner. Suddenly I feel Caspar's presence and look over to see ge was actually smiling. How could that be? It's been less than 24 hours.

Haley blushed intensely and looked sheepishly at Caspar even though Joe was the one talking to her.

"I'm Haley, Lydia met me in a store and sorry if I seem nervous I'm just, I'm such a huge fan." At this point she seemed to have some kind of surge and threw her arms around Caspar. She immediately pulled away and turned to hug Joe too.

"Nice to meet you!" Caspar said and smiled. Hmm... I have an idea!

"Well, we were going to watch a movie if you want to join." I said trying to sound innocent. I don't think Joe understood but he agreed anyway.

We walked to the couch and I took a seat by Joe while Haley inconveniently sat on the opposite end from Caspar. Eventually it was decided that we would be watching A Walk To Remember which is a sad romance movie. Just at the saddest part where we were all crying, well, all except for Caspar and Joe, I stood up and announced that I was thirsty and would bring drinks out for everyone but needed some help. Joe immediately stood to help and soon Lauren caught on and asked Zoe to show her where the toilet is. 

"Well that took a lot of work." I said. Joe walked over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"What?" He asked kissing my forehead.

"Getting Caspar and Haley alone." I said looking into his eyes hoping he understood.

"Oh. Ohh. Ohhhhhhhhh!" He chuckled finally understanding. "You're quite the trouble maker aren't you?" I smirked and shrugged playfully.

"I don't know." I said mischievously. He pulled away from me.

"Oh you don't do you? Well we'll have to change that!" He began tickling my sides like crazy and I yelled at the top of my lungs hoping for someone to run in to my rescue. No such luck. I was thrown over a shoulder of this clown that is supposedly my boyfriend and was ran into the living room. Immediately he stopped and dropped me. I was still laughing and pulled my hair out of my face.

There, sat a shocked looking Haley facing a red-faced Caspar with a raw hand mark on his cheek. Ouch!

And at that moment when it couldn't get any more awkward there was a loud banging on the door. 

In walked, my dad.

A/N: Hey guys so this is a horrible filler chapter but Summer's coming soon so I'll update then! Pleeeeease comment your ideas and thank you all soo much for reading my story. I love you all SOOO much! Bye!

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