An Unexpected Visitor

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Joe's POV

I woke up and went to put an arm around Lydia, just to have it flop against the bed. She isn't there. I groan and throw off the covers when I hear the buzzing of a text from my phone. I reach for my iPhone and smile when I see that its from Lydia.

My Girl:

Goodmorning sunshine! You slept in and I decided to spend the day with Haley. Btw, I made breakfast, it's in the kitchen :) Love you!

I breathe in and can smell the bacon, a smile comes from my lips and I leap out of bed and walk over to Caspar's door. "Caspar," I say in one of my weird voices, "breakfast is r-eady!" I hear him sniffle before replying with,

"Um, okay I'll be there in a second, I think I'm just going to take a quick shower." Was he crying? I tell him that its fine and head over to the kitchen with my thoughts. Should I say something or does he want to be left alone? Was it something I did, or maybe Lydia?

When he finally comes out, his eyes are all red and I can comfirm that yes, he was crying. Alright Joe, I think to myself, it's just like The Walking Dead, whatever route you choose determines your future. As usual I pick the entertaining route and decide to joke with him. Bad decision. "Aw Caspar, is it that time of the month again?" He immediatley starts to cry all over again and I am left with no clue as to what to do. "I'm sorry Casp, that was bad, that was really bad." I walk over to him and put a supportive hand on his shoulder. "You uh, you want to talk about it?" He puts his head in his hands and starts to lightheartedly laugh.

"I'm sorry this is stupid." He says and starts to eat some eggs that Lydia put on his plate for him, ignoring my question, so I pushed on, pulling up a chair and sitting next to him,

"No, it's fine and I mean I think we're good enough friends that we should be able to talk about these things." I wait for him to answer but have to push farther, "What's bothering you buddy?" he sighs and I can tell that he's given in so I get comfortable and ready to listen.

"Okay well you know Lydia's friend, Haley?" Ohhhhhhh, I forgot about the rejection!

"So thats what this is about!" He sighs and holds up his phone where I see a long written out message about how sorry he is and asking for another chance. Caspars never been that emotional but from the looks of it he reallly likes her.

"She read it but hasn't responded so I'm assuming thats a no. Sorry for being such a mess its just that yesterday that meeting for the wedding got me thinking about how much I missed dating with all of the couples in the room, and then I thought 'Well Caspar you're internet famous you've got plenty of people who want to date you' but I realized I really only want Haley. She's funny, and sweet, and pretty and she's just... perfect and now I've gone and messed things up haven't I?" I think for a second.

"Honestly Caspar I wouldn't know. But I could ask Lydia for you." His eyes light up,

"Would you?" I grab my phone and hold it up as if to say, duh, before asking her.

From: The Sugg Bug

Ask Haley what she thought of Caspar's last text.


From: My Girl

She hasn't seen it yet, I had her phone and haven't told her because I'm assuming if she slapped him it must've been bad. How's he holding up?

From: The Sugg Bug

He's holding up terribly! Please show it to her!

From: My Girl

Nope. I invited her to have dinner with your parents and Zoe tonight so they can talk it out the right way. I'm sorry but trust me this is what's best for them <3

From: The Sugg Bug

Dinner? With my parents?

From: My Girl

Zoe invited them over to talk about the wedding, don't you remember? We're finally telling them about me? Whatever I have to go, Love you!

I look up into Caspars eagerly waiting eyes. "Uh, she hasn't read it yet." He looks first confused and then sad before I add, "She's coming to dinner tonight." He leaps out of his chair,

"What?!" and runs over to a mirror to check his wet, messy hair. I chuckle and walk over to him, folding my arms.

"You know thats in about 6 hours right?" He stops his frantic grooming and laughs.

"Heh, yeah, I mean it's never too early to get a heads start." I just laugh and walk into my room to make a new episode of The Walking Dead.

Alright Clementine, lets see what drama happens next."


I finished my new episode of The Walking Dead and started to play Fifa with an overly anxious Caspar (Most likely because of his "Special Visitor" thats coming) when I hear a knock on the door. Caspar jumps and I can feel the nervous energy coming from him. "Oye, calm down mate." I say and he just gives me a little smile, his mind obviously in a different place. "Right, I'm going to answer the door and try not to wee your pants while you're at it."

I walk over and both my mum and dad walk in. Together. That's strange. I hug my mum and say hi, welcoming them in but as I start to walk away they just stand there smirking at each other before my dad says, "We've brought someone along that we thought you might remember from grade school."

"Of course he remembers her!" My mum says. They step apart and a tall girl with long, red hair is standing there with a cute smile. I stand there in shock as she gives me a small wave.

"Uh, hi Jane."

A/N: So loooooong time no see, and last time in my authors note I completely lied which I am so sorry about but school started and I got busy and yeah, I'm gonna go eat ice cream, hope you liked it! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

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