The Chat

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Joe's POV

We got back to my apartment and Lydia was staying the night again while Caspar and Ashley went to have a night out. I still can't believe he's actually leaving. I mean I'm happy for him and Ashley but at the same time I'm so angry. Who's gonna share the house with me now? I can't afford it on my own, who will I prank? I mean, Caspar's only here for another week! He said that they haven't chosen the exact spot yet but both choices are on our current street so I guess he's still nearby.

I could tell Lydia wanted me to talk to her about it, and I did, but guys just don't talk about there feelings, so instead I grabbed some crisps and my laptop and started to edit some videos. She sat down across from me and sighed, knowing what I was doing. "Do you want to talk about this while we can?" She asked almost annoyed thinking I would be stubborn and refuse, which I almost did, but she was right, we couldn't talk about it while Caspar is here. So, I gave in. She smiled shocked, but pleased, then tried to cover it up acting like she wasn't surprised.

"Oh please you're the worst liar I've ever met. Go ahead be surprised." I said rolling my eyes which made her giggle and plop down next to me sitting criss-cross applesauce facing me. I smiled up at her, "Your hair looks amazing." I commented. It really did, it was in a fishtail braid on the side of her head and looked perfect.

"Don't try changing the subject!" She said pointing a finger and squinting accusingly. I put my arms up in defense and smiled. "Now what are you worried about?" She said getting serious, placing her hand on my knee and looking into my eyes.

"I have no idea who's going to be my roommate now and I can't afford this place on my own. Plus I've only got a week to figure this out!" I said rubbing my hands through my hair stressed.

"Here's the deal." She said sitting up onto her knees her hands in her lap. "Tonight we just relax and spend time together, tomorrow we get down to business and figure this all out." Eh, I thought, why not.

"Sounds great! I'll get the popcorn ready you search for a movie and get ready." She nodded and I helped her off the couch, walking then towards the kitchen to start the popcorn. She came out in her sweatpants and the same sweatshirt she had on before.

"Hey Joe, I forgot to grab a pajama top on the way out." She said looking down at her top.

"You could just go without one." I suggested, only teasing.

"You could just go without one." She said in a high-pitched mimicking voice getting my joke which made me laugh harder. I went to grab my favorite t-shirt for her. When I handed it to her she looked pleased and went to put it on. Once she came out of the bathroom I couldn't help but smile. Seeing her in my shirt with her blue eyes and cute freckles and dirty-blonde hair. She's just gorgeous. There are no other words. Gorgeous. Stunning. Beautiful. Pretty. None can describe what I see right now at this moment.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She said posing so I took a photo on my phone posting it to Instagram with the caption: Night in with the bæ!!! <3 As soon as Lydia saw it she gasped,

"We haven't told them yet!" Meaning the viewers, which is true, and I soon got lots of tweets asking who in the world this girl is which made me laugh.

"We'll make a video tomorrow for them." I promised, kissing her on the cheek reassuringly. She smiled and that's when I took the opportunity, I picked her up and slung her over my back singing, "I've got a sack of potatoes." Twisting and turning to make her dizzy. She squealed and giggled

"Joseph Sugg you need to stop right this second!" She said laughing but I set her down pretending to cry.

"But I thought you liked it when I sing." Wiping an imaginary tear away and sniffling. Then smiled because I heard her snort again. I sat on the couch and pressed play, her sitting next to me and resting her head on my shoulder as The Fault In Our Stars started.

When Augustus died I couldn't bare it I imagined what it would be like if Lydia were to die and I lost it immediately, standing up and saying "I think I'm gonna go take a wee." Quickly I walked away towards the bathroom. Once I got in there I heard Lydia laugh and say,

"Good idea, I heard it on one of those documentaries that toilets help you stop crying." Oh no she saw me.

"Oh please, like I would cry over some stupid guy getting stupid cancer in a stupid movie it's not like it's real!" I yelled a little too loud, leaning over the sink, holding back tears. Suddenly she's behind me, wrapping her arms around my stomach and resting her chin on my shoulder. We stare back at each other through the mirror,

"Aw is wittle joe sad? She said puffing out her bottom lip and talking like a kid. I turn around pushing past her, "I'm only joking!" She comes over to me and kisses my cheek picking up our bowls of popcorn and bringing them to the sink. She yawned and I picked her up bridal style.

"Time for bed!" I said bringing her over to the bed and pretending to throw her onto it she kicked her feet and giggled. Once I finally placed her down she sat up and pecked me on the mouth, our second, still amazingly warm awesome soft wonderful kiss.

"Yes indeed!" She said pulling up the covers as I hopped in kissing her head,

"Goodnight!" I whispered but she was already asleep.

A/N: Hi guys!!! I haven't updated in a while but a friend inspired me so here it is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy it! Love you all!

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