Her Dad

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Joes POV

We walked in but Lydia hadn't seen what just happened. Caspar was rejected. Maybe he was moving too fast or got the wrong idea from Haley but he had gone in for the smooch and was slapped by the shocked looking Haley. If it had been any other day this would have been the funniest thing but considering he was just left it makes me almost scared. Finally Lydia stops laughing and notices them but before anyone could say anything in walked, or stomped, a man I can only assume is Lydia's father.

He has her dirty blonde hair, her freckles, but his are now weak and droopy more like age spots than the cute little sprinkles of them that Lydia has. He also has her blue-grey eyes but they don't sparkle or twinkle like hers do his are stone cold and make me shiver at the sight of him. I finally meet the father and he already seems to hate me. Then I remember the party when I was told he was abusive and I'm no longer concerned for myself but for her. I jump in front of her, prepared for anything that may come. But she pulls my arm down and holds my hand. Tears threatening to spill like waterfalls down her beautiful face.

The man looks at me then smirks. He gives a light chuckle before walking closer to me, his face only inches from mine. I can smell the alcohol lingering on his breath before his cold, stern voice pulls me from my thoughts. "Get your hand off my daughter." He stared me down and I moved closer to Lydia squeezing her hand to let her know I'm not leaving her.

"I'm sorry sir." I say, glad my voice was clear and didn't crack. He slapped me and got closer,

"I said please move." He practically spat onto me slapping me again.

"Dad stop it! Ill come home with you I promise just please stop hurting Joe you aren't solving anything." Lydia begged. I couldn't stand to see her like this. Tears all down her face, the pained and scared look in her eyes, feeling helpless and hearing her protect me when it should be the other way around. She pulled my hands into hers and looked at me unable to stop herself from crying.

"Joe Ill be fine I can handle him. I just need you safe." She stared into my eyes pleading me to understand but I couldn't. Wiping the tears away from her eyes starting to cry because of my helplessness.

"I'm so sorry Lydia." I whispered. She gave me a sad, fake smile when I really wanted, no, needed the smile from a few minutes ago while I was tickling her and joking around. While she was happy. But I couldn't, it was gone. She pulled my hand from her face and kissed my lips quickly before her father grabbed her shoulder saying,

"Stop your crying, he doesn't love you. You've got no reason to cry. You want a reason I could give you one." But she didn't even look at him before saying,

"Not as sorry as I am." Then letting go and being pulled away by her father. When I realized that she wasn't leaving just for an hour or two, but forever. So I raced after her, calling her name but only hearing her sobs and cries of pain as I heard something come down and hit her three times before they were gone.

I had lost her again. Why me.

A/N: Hey guys so this is really short but I hope you liked it an ill try to write soon I know it's been awhile and summers here so I should have more time but I'm trying. I promise i'll actually write some good chapters soon :/ hehe sorry about the slopiness. Comment any suggestions! Love you all!

P.S. (Question of the chapter) What fun things are you looking forward to this summer?

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