I missed you too Sugg Bug

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Lydia's POV

I'm not sure what to believe. Jazmine is cruel but I swear I saw Joe kissing back. I want to forgive him with all my soul and I feel as if I should but I just-I just can't. The image of them together is seared into my mind and it keeps coming back right as I feel ready to face him again. I wish this wasn't how it had to be. I love Joe. I do. I'm just not ready, not convinced.

I sit and eat my cereal with Lauren who is on her laptop. I must look upset because she finishes chewing and puts her hand on my arm. "Let's do something today." She says soothingly. Lauren has helped me through these past few days and I feel bad for making her stay in everyday and take care of me.

"Ok." I say and give a real smile, "I could spend some time shopping." She looked more than thrilled, she looked almost shocked too.

"Really? Lets go come on!" She pulled me up and hugged me then ran out to the car. I looked down, I was wearing high waisted denim shorts, a Pepsi crop top, red converse, and a braid, this would have to do.

We stopped at Starbucks where, like always, I got a vanilla bean frappé, and then headed to the mall where I was pulled from store to store. We got a lot of cute clothes. Dresses,shorts and shirts from all different stores.

I had been having a great time until I walked over to a jewelry section in a store and spotted a necklace, it had a J on it and my mind went straight to Joe. It was beautiful and yet I should hate it, he cheated on me. Hadn't he? I felt a tear stream down my cheek thinking about this and heard a shy voice say to me,

"Sorry to ask but what's wrong?" I quickly wiped my tears away and looked towards the brunette standing next to me. She was shorter, had long brown hair, and gave me a warm, yet nervous, smile. I smiled back and tucked my hair behind my ear. She gasped, "I know you! You're Joes girlfriend! Hi I'm Haley!" She exclaimed. My smile faded and I gave a kind of mocking laugh, we hadn't told everyone about our breakup yet.

"Ex-girlfriend." I corrected looking down as I say it. She hugs me and my eyes well up again. I will not cry in front of this stranger. I then explain to her what happened and she hugged me at the end of the story as I cried like a baby.

"I'm sorry." She said and lets go of me. "I may not have ever met Joe but he doesn't seem to be the cheating type. Besides there are some pretty nasty people out there. If you think you love someone go after them, don't waste any time you have with them fighting. You never know how long you have."

Just then her phone starts to ring. "Just a second." She says and answers the phone. I nod and turn back to the jewelry pretending to be interested in it even though I'm too busy thinking about what I had seen at the party.

She turns back to me and sighs, "I have to go but I'd love it if you kept me updated, here's my phone number. Remember, whatever you do, I'll support you." She smiled at me and I knew she meant it.

"Will do! Thank you for being so nice about this." I smile and hug her goodbye.

"Anytime." She says then grabs my hands and squeezes them, "Things will get better, they always do." She gave me a small smile and walked out of the store. I'd have to meet up with Haley soon.

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