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y/n bid Josuke farewell but quickly grabbed his arm before she forgot.
"You still haven't told me the long story about why Jotaro is your nephew."

Josuke rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm an illegitimate son of his granddad Mr Joseph Joestar, rightfully so, I should be Josuke Joestar but uh...he kinda cheated on his own wife and my moms a....mistress or whatever." he let out a huge sigh.

"Another day we shall discuss this weird family tree, I'm proud to take my mom's family name though! It sounds better."

"Josuke Joestar...Josuke Higashikata...yeah whatever, you sound hotter as a Higashikata." y/n blurted out, when Josuke looked at her with a slight flush on his cheeks, she played it cool and pretended it was what she wanted to say all along.

"Y/n l/n..I don't know, maybe Higashikata's a better fit for your last name." Josuke smirked, a playful twinkle in his eye making y/n go on full alert.

"W-wait, are you flirting with me?"

"Based on your interpretation I guess," y/n felt her lips twitch up even though she didn't want to show Josuke that she liked his dumb flirting.

Stupid smooth butter boy urgh.

Two could play at that game.

A sudden confident swell of y/n's heart made her think of something to counter his flirting, she shouldn't be the only one embarrassed right?

"Well, these days is it weird if a man takes the woman's last name? Josuke l/n wouldn't sound too bad."

"Is this a proposal y/n? You're very bold i'd dare say." he laughed when y/n glared at him. "Okay okay i'm just messing with you!"

"I can tell urgh..." y/n stretched her hands and waved to Josuke. "I had enough of you for today Higashikata! Goodbye and see you tomorrow."

"Bye y/n! Consider taking my last name!" Josuke followed up that statement with a wink, resulting in y/n holding up a middle finger in response.

"You consider taking mine!"

The two teens turned away to open the door to their houses, a furious flush on both their cheeks.

Y/n slapped her cheeks and headed in, thinking about the sudden confidence boost she got when she flirted back.
That wasn't like her at all!

She had three constant moods, it was either angry, sad or reserved, there was no in between.

An extra pair of shoes at the door caught her attention and she raised a brow because it was a pair of men's shoes.

She heard her aunt laughing in the living room and made her way there, popping her head in wanting to say hi.
Y/n stopped short when she saw the fan man there.

"Auntie! What is he doing here?!" she got into a defensive stance but fan man just smirked at her.

"Oh Mr Kobayashi helped me to pick up my spilled groceries just now! I just wanted to thank him so I invited him over for some tea!"
Y/n's glare was a stark contrast to Aunt Mastumoto's cheery tone.

"My my I heard a lot about you y/n l/n! Very sweet girl as your aunt says," y/n cracked her knuckles annoyed and forced a smile when her aunt glanced at her.

"Nice to meet you Mr Kobayashi, t-t-th-" y/n coughed a few times before continuing. "Thank you for helping out my aunt."

It was so hard to get that 'thank you' out of her throat.

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