Chapter 5

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I N C I T I N G   S E C R E T S
caput quīnque ❝i don't like white boys❞

"WHY ARE YOU dressed like an Eskimo, Ley?" Aurelia whispered as she stared at her friend who was locking their dorm room. Ileana was waiting at the end of the corridor, to check if no one was around at this time. The girls would have gone to where Ileana was, if it wasn't for Leyla taking ages to find more layers to wear.

Leyla turned around and immediately put her hands in her coat pockets, "It's freezing outside. Does it look like I want to die from Hypothermia?"

"You're exaggerating and acting like a crazy old woman. You didn't need this massive coat when we won't even take half an hour, and why is there a woolly scarf around your neck? This isn't Antarctica." She explained, shaking her head. Both Ileana and Aurelia didn't bother putting something over their night attire, as they were too eager to get out of the room, but Leyla refused, which held the girls up.

"No, it's London and very cold. My ears could turn to ice." The two girls strolled to where Ileana was standing at the end of the corridor, "Anything can happen and I need to protect myself." Leyla spoke quietly as she passed the bedrooms, making sure not to make any noise that would cause any disturbances.

"You wear a headscarf and shouldn't have an issue," Aurelia replied, but Leyla didn't say anything back as she knew she made a point.

"I can't believe I'm going to god knows where with you clowns. I shouldn't even be out late," Leyla announced as they stepped onto The Grove path. "Young girls shouldn't be out so late at night."

Ileana cocked her head to the left to face Leyla, "You can go back if you want."

"No, I'm scared, of going back and being alone in the room," Leyla confessed as she looked around her and then linked arms with Ileana. "I'm coming and going with you guys. Ugh, I hate you guys for taking me out late."

"Why are you acting like we are taking you to some strip club? We are only on the school premises, nothing will happen. It's not my first ti..." Aurelia paused and stopped taking any more steps, "Leyla stop acting like a child, okay?"

Ileana and the girls had no idea where they were heading. The destination was unknown and you'd think there weren't many options on the school grounds. However, there was an endless list of locations. It was never-ending, which made them feel uneasy.

Aurelia carried on speaking, "So, where are we going? Ileana, please tell us you know where you are going?"

Ileana looked around her figuring out where she thought the guys would be. "Well, they went past the Performing Arts building, so perhaps that way."

"Hold up," Leyla came to a halt after realising what that meant. "The woods. The same woods we weren't supposed to set foot in, because that's the only place that building leads to." Aurelia and Ileana nodded their heads, acknowledging that they already knew that information.

"Yes, the woods. What else?" Aurelia repeated and carried on walking.

Leyla groaned, "I don't want to go there. Good things never happen in a place with lots of trees. What if there's a bear or some sort of ghost or maybe the dead will rise from the ground?"

"What do you do when you go to the park? There's plenty of trees there." Ileana questioned as she looked at frightened Leyla. Aurelia stood before busting out in laughter. "And, what dead? There's nothing here."

"Just because no one has seen it doesn't mean it's not there. Were you asleep during history classes in Year 8? There's a cemetery near the school and spooky buildings. Harold Farlingtons house is in the woods, it's apparently haunted and has his family's skeletons on the beds."

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