Chapter Twenty Eight

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Author's Note

Literally.   All I can do is apologize.  Lately, things have been very hectic.  I've been struggling to keep my grades up and I've been fighting really hard for them this quarter.  Last semester I ended with four C's (for the first time in my life and it was really disheartening) and this quarter I managed to keep them at A's and B's.  But, with that, I had to give up nearly all my writing and enjoyment time.  Then, I got sick and couldn't look into the light of my phone or computer or anything without having a monster headache.

I just have a few updates.

1. It is currently spring break, and all my friends are on vacation with each other.

2. I've been thinking about my mom a lot lately, and how much she's missed and how much I wanna tell her.  She's the only one who listened, most times.  I look back a lot and I remember when I put in an author's note on Tease when I first told you she was sick and how many of you have remained still.  I'm so thankful for you, and all of you.  I probably would have given up writing a long time ago if it wasn't for you guys pushing me.

3. On a similar note, things have changed a lot recently.  My dad is with his new girlfriend often and doesn't look out for me as much as my mom did.  Not that he's a bad parent, obviously, but he doesn't have as many rules and regulations as my mom did.  Just Thursday, he was out with his girlfriend in Detroit for the Red Wings game and I had a friend over.  I did a lot of things I normally wouldn't.  And she brought her a boyfriend, and it ended up being a handful of us smoking out of a bong in his truck in my driveway and I got high for the first time.  And.  And I don't know.  Things have changed drastically.  And since then I've had inspiration to write but when it came down to it, I didn't know what to write.  I just wanted to write stuff like so I got high.  And everything made sense and nothing made sense.  And I cared about nothing.  And I felt like I was flying and I couldn't breathe and it felt so good.  I felt untouchable for a few hours.  I felt like I was melting into everything I touched.  And when I was sober again a piece of me was missing. It was like I could access another part of my brain, another part of my creativity.

Then again, I was probably just really, really high.  Because I took 4 hits.

4.  On a happier note, I'm going to see La Dispute in Chicago this Sunday.  And I got my Lollapalooza ticket for this summer sooooo (-:

5.  When I last updated, we had 190K.  Now we have 223K!  Almost as much as Tease!!!

Finally, I want to apologize for this chapter.  I don't know what's wrong with it.  I feel like I apologize for every chapter but in this one, I couldn't focus.  And I think I screamed into my pillow like 9 times because I was so frustrated.  Nothing is flowing anymore.  Maybe today just wasn't the day to write, but you guys deserved something for waiting 18 days.Okay.  Bye.  Love you.  Comment and make me feel loved and stuff

Song Recommendations:

Should have taken acid with you by Neon Indian

Let It Happen by Tame Impala

Chapter Twenty Eight

Days in Neverland: 50

The afternoon was blissful, the sunlight ardently cleansing the main clearing and immersing the island in striking splendor that brought me to a stable peace of mind. 

Within days, it seemed things were changing.  Pan had kept his promise; if Oliver tried to mess with me, he was there to stop him.  Though he was able to keep Oliver's physical violence stowed away, the hostile glares and whispering intensified and were still delivered quite often. 

Monster // Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) (OUAT)Where stories live. Discover now