Chicken Over Females

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Nicole here and well, I always knew I was attractive. I never knew guys preferred chicken.

I had just got back from ballet and went to check the mail since I had auditioned for a oart and was waiting for the reply letter. There were these three people on scooters, one female two male.

So I got my mail and some bills for my mom (my dad isn't dead, he's just on a bussiness trip btw) and my main concern was that my character skirt kept getting tangled in my legs.


As I was walking back, the girl was doing a trick and the two guys were kinda sticking together so I said "excuse me". One of them said something but I couldn't hear it. Here's the conversation:

Me: (Uh, skirts. This is why I never wear them.)

Guy 1: Hey, girl in the red sweater!

Me: (it's a COAT not a SWEATER) *turns around*

Guy 1: My friend over here likes you! *points to guy 2*

Guy 2: No, I like chicken!


So......who else likes chicken?




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