My Awkward Moments Part 1 (Maria's Edition)

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Here are my awkward moments, awkward for me, anyway...

#1 When you decide to play a video game or something in your room, then get stuck playing it for the whole day and when you finally come back to the kitchen/living room it's 8 pm and you feel as if you missed a whole day....which you kinda did...

#2 When you meet your brother for the first time in a year, and he's grown stubble on his chin, that still feels weird to me. Idek why...

#3 When you receive presents on your b-day, Christmas or New Year from people you call complete strangers...I'm usually in my head all " WHO THE HECK IS THIS STRANGER.STRANGER DANGER!!! MOOOM!!! IS THIS YOUR LONG-LOST RELATIVE OR FRIEND AGAIN!?".

#4 When you do something embarrassing and don't feel embarrassed...

#5 When people call you "dude" or some kind of freakish name that's for girls and boys alike.

#6 When you see a person (usually their back) and you think it's someone you know so you call out your friends name and you realize it isn't them. It gets worse when they turn around and look at you like your a lunatic. I feel embarrassed and awkward....

Mia (TA): LOLOL! Nicole and I did that to a shirt Asian girl, and we were like, "AIVY! AIVY OVER HERE!"

Nicole (EBOW): OMLOL, yeah! Turns out her name was Amelia and she was in my art expo....(-///-)

#7 When a person talks with curse words in every sentence. Like' seriously? Have some creativity with your vocabulary AND respect for the younger ones around you. If you haven't experienced this, it sure is awkward...

That's it for today's edition of My Awkward Moments! :)




Nicole (EBOW):Umm, actually, for us lassies it's dudett.

Mia (TA): Very true, Nicole, very true

Aivy (Unicorn):

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