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It was a dark and si- just kidding. But I gotcha for a moment, didn't I? No? Do I look like I care? Yes? YOU CANNOT FREAKING SEE MY FACE!!!!!!!

On with the show!

So it was a Saturday cause my parents hate me and decide to send me to a Chinese school where the teachers suck. They're too nice so all the kids wreak havoc. I can hardly get any work done! Also I've always been a little *cough* lot *cough* consucious of my Chinese-speaking voice as I've been told I sound like a little Japanese girl. I watch anime, I know just how high those voices are (later I learn they meant my ability, not my pitch).

I was waiting for my mom because my mom is always late and my dad was still in China. Then I saw a woman. To little me this woman looked a lot like my mom since I was seeing only her back. Her hair was also long and looked to be permed curly (later I remember that her hair wasn't dyed an extremely dark red), she was also dressed all in black ( my mom says black is her colour. Ironically my grandma also says that black is the colour of old hags) and was tall (though I still looked to be at least a year older then I was because of my height I was still a young girl and adults still looked huge) so I decided to surprise her.

By yelling "BOO!" really loudly.

Then she turned to look at me.

I was very quiet.

And feeling very awkawrd.


Maria (FOH)

Mia (TA):

Aivy (Unicorn):

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