Friday Teacher , ugh

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Sooooo...... It was a Friday.




No. Not that kind of Friday, every Friday of my gr.2 class (Mrs. TP!!! Best teacher ever!!!) but it wasn't Mrs.TP :( it was are FRIDAY TEACHER! bum, bum, BUUUM!!!!! And she was scary!!!! Imaging a lady with thin glasses, beady eye, black suit and a scary tone! bum, Bum, BUUUM!!! -Ahem- sorry bout that, okay so you get the point let me get on to my story:

It was Recess and I fell off something or I scraped my knee, I forgot, butt I was bawling my eyes out! And then, after a few minutes (okay. Or hours) are class had to go down for this assembly or are big buddies and that day Ms. Poop (We'll just call her poop, Cuz she was mean, and smelly, and at-first-she-seems-pleasant-but-then-she-hurts-your-butt teacher! Anyway, before I got my terrible, terrible wound. We made aboriginal necklaces, but since I was crying I didn't know she told me to put them away before we go.

So, then my friend told me and I was like "OHHHH S***!!!" But, luckily, I made it through the activity because as we walked down, we went past the library and there was this little crack my the door. So when I went past it, I dropped the necklace into it. (Smart me😏) I made it through the thing, when we walked back, I picked it back up and just kept following the line like nothing happened.

BUTT! I told my friend about it, and she was beside me. So I was talking to her and I didn't notice the teacher ushering to the door, but as I passed her. Guess what, I was holding it right in my hands!!!! Imagine her face, actually, it was like this 😡😤😡😠😤😡😠😠😤😤😠😖😖😡😖😲!!! And then she made me stand beside her while all of the other kids went back into the classroom! THEN! She talked to me in front of the class about not brining the necklace! URGG!!!

End of story: Hoped u liked my horrible friday😊 buh bye poops! (BTW she quit her job! DOUBLE POINTS!!)

Maria (FOH):

Nicole (EBOW): We all had one of those teachers. Unfortunately for me my mean teacher was my teacher for two whole years. Lucky me. -.-

Mia (TA):

Awkward Girl MomentsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora