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"What made you do such a horrible thing. What made you kill those people so ruthlessly Miss Riley."

That woman took everything that mattered to me so I decided to do the same thing to her.

" Let's start from the beginning then tell me everything that happened."



Eloria's pov -

I wake up from the blinding light shining into the room. I turn over to face the otherside of the room and Ashianna who's sleeping next me.

I scoot over so I'm directly behind her and admire her backside. The way curls are effortlessly perfect.

The way her brown skin glows everywhere the sun touches. They way the blanket she is under clings to every curve she has.

I listen to each even breath that she takes. I smile proud at the fact that I am mated to someone so faultless.

I scoot over towards her just a little bit more so I can wrap my arms around her.

I start to rub her belly in small circles as she shifts backwards on the bed until her body touches my front.

"Good morning baby" she says.

"Good morning to you too beautiful" I say.  Lifting me head up a little so I have easier access to her neck.

I start pecking her neck and softly nipping at the skin making way down to her soft spot.

She lets out a small whimper and pushes her butt lightly onto my crotch making me groan at the sudden contact.

I leave a couple love marks on the side of her neck and collarbone before making my way to her mark. I slowly take my tounge and run it over her mark.

Earning a soft moan from her.

I smirk an slowly start to grind my hips into her butt.

"Make love to me baby". She moans out quietly.

I go to flip her over so she's on her back but she stops me.

"Do it like this please" she says

I nod. I start kissing down her collarbone taking off her tank top throwing it on the floor somewhere.

I kiss every inch of her exposed skin until I get to her bottom half as I pull of the shorts she was sleeping in.

I kiss the newly exposed skin as well.

Once she's completely naked I quickly take off my own clothes before moving my way back up her body  to kiss her lips.

As my lips are still connected with hers I wrap one hand around her throat gently allowing the other to fall down to her sweet core.

Miss Riley's MateTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon