Updated Author's Note.

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Wednesday - December 1, 2021

Hello to any readers new or old! It's been about a year since I completed this book and I wanted to circle back to bring in anyone that doesn't know that a complete version of the sequel is out now!

It's been out for quite a few months now, and I'm only now realizing that the chance of readers here not knowing about it is pretty high. So here I am, making my formal announcement. 

I really don't have much to say- The book is titled Ten Twenty-Six, which you can find in my profile pretty easily considering I don't have much published, but it's also apart of my reading list for this series titled Seven Twenty-Eight. Any other information I have to give you is all included in the author's note at the beginning of it.

I'm insanely proud of myself, for putting so much work into something I'm so in love with doing, but also for creating something that it appears a lot of people are thoroughly enjoying. About a week ago, this story reached 6k reads which is still totally blowing my mind. A year ago, I could barely see myself reaching this point, and watching it all unfold like this is almost bizarre. I'm putting my heart and soul into all of this, and I'm really hoping one day I can find it on the shelves of a bookstore. 

I'm so so grateful for the love I'm receiving here. And despite the fact that this website has it's issues, I'm glad I took the chance of publishing. I've been presented with a lot of support, motivation, and love, and I can't even form words to express how happy I am about that. 

Thank you for everything. I hope you enjoy the next one. 

All the love,


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