Chapter 1: Heaven

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Hi, my name is Heaven. My mom named me that because she knew I was going be a little devil, so she thought is would be a funny joke, and boy have I lived up to her expectations. I have a slight anger problem. I say slight because you only have to do something small for me to go off. Yes, my mom is dead along with the rest of my family, except my dad.

They died in a fire almost 5 months ago. We were having our annual bowling night at the bowling alley to remember my late grandad. All my family goes and we have a great time. I heard that something was burning in the kitchen and that's how the fire started. Anyway, long story short, me and my dad were the only survivors.

My mom was killed when I was 10. Don't know how, don't know who. The police sorta didn't get anything at first so eventually they left it alone. It's a cold case.

I came back home from school one day and my house was abandoned along with my father. Cheap piece of shit. He was a drunk and a smoker, so who knows where he is. I slept on friends couches for a while, moving from house to house. I lived in Connecticut so I decided to try and hitch hike my way to New York. This young guy, about 24, in an old van said he would take me. It was cool at first but then he raped me twice. Once at a rest stop, then again when we got to New York, then he threw me out the van and left like a was a piece of trash.

It was scary at first. I went to an orphanage and boy was that a stupid mistake! One of the older boys there raped me as well. He would sneak into my room at night. Every night. I ran away from there and slept on the streets. One day it got really cold and was raining, so this nice guy let me sit on the steps of some apartment building that had a roof over the steps. He gave me a cover and pillow. I guess some important people lived in that apartment because I couldn't be there in the morning, and i could only go late at night. Come to find out, that apartment was full of important people. Including Taylor Swift!!!

She saw me one time when she came back really late and allowed me to stay in her apartment. I told her a little about what happened to me and then she adopted me a month later. It was really out of no where. I was only going to spend a few nights with her until I was comfortable going back out on my own. I was a little mad at first because she didn't tell me but we're okay now, I guess.

It's been a month since Taylor adopted me and things could be better. Some people might say I have trust issues and I wouldn't argue. I don't really trust Taylor and I don't know when I will.

We'll see what happens along the way.


I hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter of Different!!! This is my first story so please bare with me!!! Sorry it's so short!! Future chapters will be longer I promise!!!

Comments and likes would be greatly appreciated!!! I wanna know how you guys feel about the story!!

Do you like Heaven?

How do you feel about her past?

Thanks for reading!!!!!! I'll be posting the next chapter or few chapters very soon!!

Thank you!!

Love you

Stay cool!

--- Ayanna B.

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