Chapter 14

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Taylor's P.O.V

I woke up in the middle of the night and heard some rattling downstairs. I grabbed my bat out of my closet and started walking down the stairs slowly knowing very well I was not capable of winning a battle if the person was bigger than me. I heard more movement.

I walked into the kitchen
and didn't see anybody, but then
a voice called out from behind me. "Taylor?" Without thinking I turned around and swung with the bat. Shortly after realizing I hit my own daughter on the leg. "OW," she cried out. Not crying or anything, just with a face of pain and anger.

"Oh my God, babe, I'm sorry!" I pleaded. "Does it hurt?" I asked stupidly. She gave me a 'Did you really just ask me that?' look. "Sorry, um, can you stand?" I asked. She got up, but shortly fell back to the floor.

"I can't stand on it," she answered as she continued holding her leg. Then she turned her head to me. "Why were down her with a bat anyway?" She yelled.

"I heard something and got scared. I didn't realize it was you," I said shyly realizing I was an idiot.

"You didn't think that you had another person in the house who could just possibly be down here?" She asked. I shrugged.

"Do you want me to carry you to your room?" I asked. She shook her head. "Then how are you going to get back upstairs?"

"I'll limp," she said stubbornly then made it to her feet and starting hopping towards the stairs. She's very independent and doesn't like someone having to support her. She's prideful.

I hate seeing her like this though. I walked up behind her and picked her up bridal style and began walking her the room. She not that light, but I can manage.

"You know I hate this," she said annoyed.

"Yep." I brought her to the room and laid her on the bed. "I'm sorry," I said before I walked out of the room. She nodded. I walked out to go to my room. I swear I cannot do anything right. Thinking about how I'm failing as mother is how I fell asleep.

Heaven's P.O.V

We're at Ellen right now, and my leg is killing me. Taylor hit me with a large metal bat. Hard! I guess it's my fault for sneaking up on her. Taylor is very scary. You say 'boo' and she'll jump out of her shoes. We haven't really talked either. The ride here was complete slice because I didn't want to talk, and thank thank God Taylor saw that and didn't say anything.

We're sitting in the dressing room just watching TV before the show starts. Then there was a knock on the door. "Heyo," Ellen said coming into the room. Taylor got up to greet her, while I hobbled over. Taylor wanted to take me to the hospital this morning when I told her it doesn't feel much better, but I was opposed to being in a hospital for the third time in less than two weeks.

"You must be Heaven. It's so nice to meet you. Is that a new a dance?" She joked referring to my hobbling.

I gave a fake laugh, not really in the mood to be joking. "It's nice to meet you as well Ellen, I'm a huge fan. And um, we had a little mis-hap last night, but I'm okay," I said.

"Oh no. What happened?" Ellen asked.

"Oh yeah. What did happen Taylor?" I asked turning towards Taylor. I was inwardly and outwardly grinning so hard wondering how Taylor's gonna explain this one.

She gave me a glare. "Um, I accidentally hit Heaven with a bat last night," she said nonchalantly as if it wasn't a big deal. Ellen started laughing.

"That's funny, what actually happened?" Ellen asked. Me and Taylor both stood there with straight faces. "You're not serious?" Ellen asked now realizing we weren't joking. I nodded. "I know there's a reasonable explanation, Taylor."

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