Chapter 19

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Taylor's P.O.V

Harry's coming today!!! It's been three weeks and he's finally gonna be able to come here while the band is on a little break. He's gonna be here for a week which is no where near enough time, but at least I'll be seeing him. He's also gonna help me with planning Heaven's birthday that's in a few weeks. July 8th. She's gonna be 15. I want us to stay at the house in Rhode Island, so that when I invite a few of her friends from Connecticut to stay with us we'll have enough room.

I know Heaven would never say it, but I think she really misses her home and her friends, so I was planning on flying them to Rhode Island, and they could do what Heaven has been bugging me non-stop about. Paint balling. Heaven wants to go paint balling for her birthday. I'm not playing, because let's face it, I'm me. So I want to bring her friends out here to spend her birthday with her. They'll stay a few days so Heaven can actually be with them. I know, I know, I'm a wonderful mother. I try.

Heaven is actually with Karlie and Cara at one of their shoots so that I could be with Harry. She's also spending the weekend with Karlie. Wink wink. I'm just so excited.

"Wait! Wait! Tell me again what he said!" I said laughter so hard, my stomach was hurting, and my lips were hurting from smiling non-stop. Harry was telling about Zayn went off on Simon because he wanted a little more time off to be with Perrie.

"He said 'I don't care! I barely see her! I love her! But you wouldn't know anything about love would you, you lonely troll! Go suck off Nick Cannon!" Harry mocked Zayn making me laugh harder than I thought was possible.

We have been sitting on the couch with glasses of wine in our hands and an empty bottle on the table. We're probably a little tipsy, but not too much. We have just been sitting here for the last couple hours. We made dinner together and cleaned up which ended up in us throwing water and bubbles at each other which was absolutely perfect, but resulted in an even bigger mess for us to clean up.

I took another sip of my wine even though I've had enough for one night. I looked up and saw Harry staring at me with his beautiful green eyes and cute shy dimpled smile that makes my heart melt.

"What?" I playfully questioned sitting my drink down.

He shook his head and said, "nothing, you're just beautiful," making me blush slightly.

"Your not bad yourself," I joked. "I missed you so much!" I admitted and faces began slowly inching closer together. "And right now, I'm really glad I sent Heaven over to Karlie's," I said finally meeting our lips together, it getting more heated by the second. I missed the taste of his lips on mine. It felt so right. His tongue grazed over my bottom lip begging for permission to enter which I didn't think twice about and allowed his tongue in. Our tongues collided and began battling with each other. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss.

I pulled away allowing both of to catch our breaths. "Bedroom," I said simply. He smiled widely and grabbed my hand leading us up the stairs and into my bedroom. We immediately began kissing again. The kiss was and passionate at the same time. I backed up to the bed not breaking the kiss. I laid onto to it when I felt the back of my knees hit the bed. This time Harry pulled away as his pulled his shirt over head. His once sincere green eyes were now filled with lust and longing.He returned to the kiss, his hands propped by my head holding himself up so his body was hovering over mine.

Soon we both were naked, and Harry began leaving a trail of kisses along my jawline and around my neck gently biting on the skin as he went making me moan softly.

This was gonna be good.

I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. My lips curled upward as Harry began playing with my hair. "I love you," I whispered. I got no response for a couple seconds which made me regret everything that just happened. But then I heard his raspy voice whisper into my hair, "I love you too, Taylor." I internally had the biggest celebration in my head. I love him.

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