Chapter 11

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Taylor's P.O.V

The brownies smelt amazing and I knew Heaven couldn't resist eating some, and I felt like I've given her enough time for now. I walked up to her room and knocked on her door. No reply. "Heaven, can you please open up?" I asked. Still nothing. I reached above the door and grabbed the key. I unlocked the door and went inside. "Heav," I called and saw she was not there. I walked into the bathroom and was taken by the sight that was in front of me.

Heaven. My Heaven! Passed out on the bathroom floor with blood surrounding her. I covered my hand over my mouth in complete disbelief. I fell to her side and put my ear to her mouth. She wasn't breathing. "Heaven, come on. Heaven, I need you to wake up, baby!" I said frantically. "Oh my God."

I felt around my pocket, but didn't have my phone. "Shit," I said and sprinted out the room to mine and grabbed my phone before rushing back into the room where my daughter was passed out.

She's dead

No! She's not dead! She's gonna be alright!

I quickly dialed 911. "Hello, this is 911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked.

"Hi, my daughter. She's not breathing. Sh-she's just not breathing," I yelled.

"Okay calm down ma'am, I'm sending an ambulance to your location. What's your name?"

"Taylor. Taylor Swift."

"Alright Ms. Swift, what's your daughters name?"


"Okay Ms. Swift what happened?"

"Her wrists. They're slit. She bleeding uncontrollably. I-I don't know."

"Okay, first thing, we need to get her breathing again. I need you to perform CPR on her. I'm gonna walk you through it. You give her mouth to mouth twice then do three chest compressions. Do this three times. Okay?"

"Okay," I said. I performed CPR three times like I was told and still nothing happened. "Nothing is happening!" I yelled.

"Okay. Calm down Ms. Swift. Do it again," she instructed.

Where the hell is the ambulance? "Okay," is all I said. I breathed into her and finally, I heard a faint breath, but it was there. "She breathing!!!" I yelled.

"Excellent! Great job Ms. Swift. the ambulance should be pulling up now. I'm gonna let you go. Have a good night."

"Thank you and you as well." I hung up the phone and kissed the top of Heavens head. She's alive. The paramedics came through the door and took Heaven. I rode the ambulance with her. They put an oxygen mask over her so she could breathe.

When we got to the hospital they took her away leaving me in the waiting room. I called Karlie. She's Heavens god mom. I decided that when I adopted Heaven. I trust Karlie, and I trust her with my kid. "Heyo, Tay Tay," she said cheerfully.

"Karlie," I said. My voice shaky.

"Tay, what's wrong?" She asked now worried.

"Heaven," I said.

"Taylor, what happened to her?" She asked now scared.

"She-she tried to kill herself. We're at the hospital now."

"I'm on my way," she said then hung up on me. I sat in the waiting room. By myself. Praying that Heaven would be okay.

20 minutes later, I have heard nothing from anybody. "Taylor!" I looked up and saw my blond haired best friend, Karlie, running towards me.

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